is that a song there?

Aug 09, 2012 23:11

I sent the story back to
laurificus for a second look this evening. It weighed in at 20,720 words. I still need to figure out a better last line, but overall, I think it's better than it was before. I can't tell anymore.

Earlier this evening, fleurdeleo and I went to the bar and I am still mellow from two pints of Blue Moon and a steak sandwich.



I still don't care about Mike, but my god, I could watch Harvey all night. I don't even know how I feel, except ridiculously attracted. I might have made a little high-pitched noise when he said he was going to get Donna back. EEEE! I mean I knew they weren't writing her out but I don't really care how she comes back as long as she does. Also, was that Jaimie Alexander as the other lawyer? She looked really familiar but I wasn't paying attention during the credits.

I should get an icon.


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life, tv: suits, writing is hard!

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