who the hell can see forever?

Jul 13, 2012 09:52

Things I meant to include in yesterday's post and then forgot while I was complaining about Ant-man:

1. Firefly is getting a reunion special. I would rather have more actual story but I will enjoy this, regardless.

2. New Sandman in 2013 with JH Williams doing the art, which is a PERFECT match for Sandman, I think. (When did I become someone who has opinions on who draws comics? *side-eyes
devildoll* I'm pretty sure this is all your fault somehow.)

3. Podfic! I have been remiss in not linking these, because I am a horrible, absentminded person:

greedy_dancer recorded Another Country (Avengers, Natasha/Bucky) and Baby, You're a Firework (Avengers, Steve/Darcy)

sundancekid recorded Six Meetings Before Lunch (Avengers, Steve & Thor being epic bros)

YAY! Podfic!

Also, I think I know what I'm writing for my birthday. I just have to actually finish it by Sunday!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/483020.html.
people have commented there.

flove, neil gaiman, links, podfic, comics: sandman, tv: firefly

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