what the mama saw, it was against the law

Jun 21, 2012 10:41

Links and stuff:

An interview with Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko about the season finale of Korra (link via
cofax7). This contains spoilers for the penultimate episode (i.e., the one that aired last weekend) but nothing really for the finale itself. Also, season 2 will have 14 episodes.

Jim Parsons and Rihanna have been cast in Dreamworks' adaptation of The True Meaning of Smekday. (link via
soupytwist) I AM EXCITE! If you haven't read The True Meaning of Smekday, you should. Go on. I'll wait. ( here is my post about it) Because it is just that awesome. ♥TIP & J.LO♥

¶ There was a new Winter Soldier yesterday. Not a whole lot happened, but goddamn, the art is pretty (I guess technically those panels are spoilery). Also, it seems like they are making Bucky more and more handsome (and sometimes he kind of resembles Sebastian Stan, or I could just be projecting). I always love flashbacks to his and Natasha's time together in the Red Room, and the whole story gets recapitulated here briefly, and they are just darling as young lovers. ♥ And I maybe made a high-pitched squeaking noise when in the present, after he drives the Winnebago off the road and is dangling from the guardrail, he's like, this isn't the first time I've ridden a bomb that's exploding. OH, BUCKY... I draw a million sparkly hearts around you. And Natasha. And how awesome you are together.

Sometimes, I wonder if people who haven't read the comics think Bucky/Natasha is a total crack ship or something, instead of one of the best canon het ships I've ever had the pleasure of shipping. Though I guess they've probably picked up by osmosis that it's a thing that happens in the comics.

¶ Last night, I finished reading God's War by Kameron Hurley, which I thought was really good. It's like a mashup of noir, SF, horror, and war stories, featuring Nyx, our hardboiled badass lady bounty hunter protagonist, and the small team of desperate people she surrounds herself with (all of whom have secrets of their own) as she gets in over her head in some political machinations when she's just trying to make a living.

Nyx doesn't care if you like her - she doesn't much like herself most of the time - but she does care if you can pay her. She lives on a brutal world that's barely hospitable to human life and which has been torn apart by a holy war for as long as anyone can remember. Boys are a precious commodity sent to the front to fight, meaning women do everything else (and fight in the war, too), at least in Nasheen, where Nyx is from; there's magic and genesplicing and people can sell body parts and have new ones attached via magic. The planet has two suns and people routinely get scraped for melanomas. There's a lot of body horror and quite a bit of violence and gore, and oh god, the bugs. For once, I'm really glad I'm not much of a visual reader, because otherwise, I don't think I'd ever sleep from thinking about the bugs in this book. It's also one of the few futuristic worlds I've ever encountered where the culture is mostly based on Arabic/Semitic cultures. It also touches on themes of race, religion and gender in interesting ways.

The writing is decent - there's a weird pacing issue at the start that involves some setup and then a time jump that could have been handled better, I think - and there were some typographical errors in the kindle version I had, but overall I found it really compelling. Even when I wasn't sure if I liked any of the characters (it turns out I do), I still wanted to know what was going on and was annoyed every time I reached my subway stop and had to put the book away. I started the second book on this morning's commute, so we'll see how that goes.


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