just another lost angel

Jun 05, 2012 10:44

I went to bed early last night with the express intention of getting a good night's sleep. No dice. Ugh. Insomnia is the worst.


So you know they aired the next five episodes of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes in Australia already, right? So I searched them out and watched.

Secret Invasion! Is it wrong that I kind of wanted the Super Skrull to be cool because of what he does for Teddy in Young Avengers? And also because of Xavin?

Anyway, I enjoyed seeing Steve break out of captivity, though I thought it was kind of hilarious that he took the time for a shave on the shuttle back to earth, since he was all beardy in Prisoner of War and then not in Secret Invasion. I thought the way the Skrulls used him and people's trust in him to convince the public to surrender was pretty clever, and I'd have liked to have seen more fallout from it (maybe there will be? There's one ep available that I haven't watched yet). Because if you can't trust Captain America, who can you trust? [I kind of want the answer to be "Red Hood! Scourge of the underworld!" because I am dorky like that.]

Otoh, and, let's be real here, the real reason I wanted to watch these eps, it gives him something in common with Spider-man. Both are vilified by the press - Cap because of the Skrulls using his face to forward their invasion plan, and Spidey because...J. Jonah Jameson hates him? (I have never understood Jameson's hate-on for Spidey, and I LOVED how that was handled in Ultimate Spider-man.)

ANYWAY. Now that the invasion is over, Cap is no longer buddy-buddy with Viper (and am I crazy or are they totally UST'ing it up in those episodes? Or is it just the way she's drawn? I could totally see a Bat/Cat thing happening here, if she were less lethal) and SHIELD is transporting her and her Serpent Society buddy (Cobra? I can't keep track of all these people who are also snakes), with a Bugle reporter and Peter Parker along for an interview of Captain America to prove that he's not a traitor. Apparently the shapeshifting aliens only appeared in NY and DC? So nobody else believes in them? Idek. People in the Marvelverse are always willing to believe the worst of everyone, which is kind of a sad premise to build your universe on (I am totally still writing the Ultimate Peter Parker wakes up in the DCU story, because he can be all "Wow, people LIKE superheroes here! This is so weird!" and also, "People understand the need for secret identities to stay secret here! Cool!") though certainly the people in charge usually deserve it.

ANYWAY. Cap is helping out with guarding the prisoners and being interviewed, and of course the Serpent Society tries to bust Viper and Cobra(?) out and it all goes to shit very quickly. Peter puts on his costume and pops up and is all adorably starstruck by Cap, who is all, "I know you have a bad reputation, but I don't judge you by what the newspapers say! I judge you by your actions, which are clearly heroic!" EMH!Cap kind of only has two modes - sternly proclaiming and being kind of a sadsack. (I maybe wanted a little more kicked puppy from him re: Peter being a reckless teenager and asking to be his sideick, per the comics, but I guess there wasn't really time, and his sadhair at seeing the memorial to him and Bucky defaced was good - esp. considering Bucky's statue was untouched.) I mean, he occasionally has lighter moments, though I think that was Skrull!Cap, actually, which is kind of sad.

ANYWAY. (I feel like this post is basically nothing but parenthetical tangents about FEELINGS. Which is basically what happens when I talk about Steve and Peter. I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT THEM OKAY? Both separately and together. I may have even talked myself into shipping it a little in the comics, where Peter's an adult?) Peter goes above and beyond even what he thinks he's capable of when Cap gives him an inspiring pep talk, and they talk about how hard it is to be vilified in the press but how you have to keep on keeping on regardless, and then they share a little moment of humor when Peter says he's going to web J. Jonah's mouth shut and Cap is like, "Sounds good to me!" WHICH IS WHY PETER IS MY FOREVER FAVORITE. I thought they did a nice job with Peter, and with his relationship to Cap.

I JUST WANT THEM TO BE NERDY TOGETHER. IS THAT SO WRONG? If everything could just be the end of Avenging Spider-man #5 forever and ever, that might make me happy. They should totally publish a comic together! ♥



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tv: avengers: earth's mightiest heroes, does whatever a spider can, this is captain america calling

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