you break down my walls with the strength of your love

Jun 04, 2012 13:18

Big deadline at work today, but right now, while I could be making copies of all the stuff I need to make copies of, I have to wait for Boss1 to edit the main document to make sure she doesn't change the order of anything, otherwise, all my numbering would be wrong. Better to wait and rush than get it all done and have to do it again, right? I mean, once the editing is done, it's copying and collating.

While I'm waiting, I have been thinking about Snow White and the Huntsman - it's interesting to me that originally, Viggo Mortensen was in talks to play the Huntsman, and I wonder if other people would be shippy about it if that had been the case. And then yesterday I had Push on while I was washing up after baking and puttering around before the game came on, and it occurred to me that it wasn't just that I have a preference for these older (broken) man/younger (powerful) girl pairings because of the age disparity or the power differential (mostly because I like stories where the power differential evens out or is even in favor of the younger woman; and the age disparity often generally stops being meaningful after a certain point, or at least meaningful as an obstacle to the relationship).

It was that these men almost always have removed themselves from society - Logan, Mal, Nick, the Huntsman - are all very much in the Rick Blaine "Not my problem" zone when they meet the young women who drag them back into caring about things other than putting food on their own table. Logan, Mal, the Huntsman (Eric, I'm told) - they all fought the "good" fight and lost; Nick didn't even ever bother to try. And then because someone who comes along who needs their help (and their perceived protection - remember, the young woman in this equation is powerful in her own right, though she might be broken in various ways), they get dragged back into caring about the larger world and the problems in it and rejoining the fight against [evil mutants/friends of humanity; the Alliance; the evil queen; Division].

I think even Max/Alec can sort of fit this, though there's no age disparity - Alec has no reason to stay in Seattle after he pays off his debt to Max, but he does, and he starts to model his own newly developing system of morality on hers (with some tweaks), and he eases his way into her life and her circle of friends and into caring about the larger issues about transgenics, even though his original plan was to run for the border, because hey, not his problem.

(See also, Han Solo, formative influence.)

I don't really know if this means anything, but it was interesting to me to see this pattern repeated in a number of my het pairings (the pattern doesn't seem to hold with m/m slash, mostly because I don't think they write stories like this featuring two men, or I haven't really conceptualized them that way).

Okay! The document has been finalized, so I will be rushing off now to make copies of everything, and then spend my afternoon putting packets together. Oh, the excitement of nonprofit board support never ends.


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