or is it in the fire that we collide?

May 11, 2012 10:57

Community: Curriculum Unavailable

Oh my god, how hilarious was that? Another fake clip show, built around the "none of it's real, they're all crazy" trope that is so annoying and subverting it! I laughed a lot (A LOT), and it was nice to see them realize that the real Dean would never have expelled them. He loves them! He sang to them on their not birthday! He told them about the fire first (but not until after he changed into his sassy little firefighter outfit)! Garrett as a Minority Report pre-cog! Garret's deep doctor voice: "Let's see what they do when one of their pens go missing." The reprise of the songs! Britta's peyote hair! Abed's response to Daylight Savings! The whole thing about Brett Ratner! ("You're a bad person! A bad person!") Shirley and the book with the gun cutout! LADDERS. CAN I FRY THAT? ("Fries?" "Get out!") "It's all terrain, dummy." The noir paintball! "At Comicon I'd take a bullet for that guy." Troy and Abed walking in on Annie's attempt to recreate "Troy and Abed (and Annie) in the morning"! "Am I parked by a meter" Am I? WAIT - WHAT?" "Stop letting him make you realize things!" Troy & Jeff were co-MVPs of this ep, I thought, with Britta a close third.

I don't know if I love it as much as Paradigms of Human Memory, which was BRILLIANT, but it's up there pretty high.

So happy they got renewed for 13 episodes next season. They may not get six seasons and a movie, but I'll happily take four seasons and a graduation.


So I realized on the plane last week that I'd neglected to pack an actual paper book for when you can't have electronic devices on, so on my way home, I stopped and bought The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown, and it was pretty much a perfect airplane book. If my flight had been longer, I would have finished it and left it on the seat. I'm not sure I really liked any of the characters - well, Cordy, I guess (more for her love of baking and also for being the youngest, which I also am, so baby sister solidarity there), and Jonathan, and Rose (whose arc probably hit a little too close to home for me), but I enjoyed their story for what it was. I don't know that I bought Bean as a fully-realized person instead of a caricature of a woman from a rom com, but I did like that they subverted my expectations for her in terms of her relationship with Aidan - that definitely made me like the book a lot more.

Otoh, for a book that is allegedly about a family of voracious readers, I didn't feel like there was a lot going on in terms of them relating to or through books. Mostly there were just a lot of mentions that they were all not communicating because they were all engrossed in their own books/stories, and a ton of Shakespeare quotes because the father is a professor of Shakespeare at the college.

So if you need a book for a plane ride or the beach, I think this one works pretty well, though it does have some depressing stuff in it (it deals with the sisters all coming home at the same time for the first time in forever because the mother is diagnosed with cancer, and how they're all kind of failures as adults) if that bothers you.

Three stars. *g*


Going to see Avengers again tonight with midnitemaraud_r,
bethbethbeth, and dotfic. I did manage some writing last night but my god, Natasha, be a little more close-mouthed, why don't you? LIKE PULLING TEETH. And we all know how she responds to that threat. Sigh. I just want Steve/Natasha bonding, hopefully with sweaty, post-sparring sex. WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT?

I do have new Avengers icons, which yay! I don't believe any of them are spoilery in and of themselves, so I will commence using them...now.


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tv: community, books, avengers assemble, writing is hard!

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