So my DVR decided not to record this morning's Young Justice, which sent me on an epic quest to view it, first legally, via hulu or iTunes or the cartoon network site, but it does not go up immediately and let's face it, my tumblr dash is already pretty empty because I've blocked all stuff tagged Avengers, and most of what's left is either Korra or
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Comments 10
I'm not feeling super fic-cy about Korra (yet?), but it's fun to watch something along with other folks. M.
I've been wondering if the sudden suck of the back half of the season isn't due to them not knowing whether they'd get a Season 5. Angel went all pear-shaped in a similar way in its last season, when they tried to shoe-horn in a season-long arc in, like, five episodes. I'm hoping that's what it is, honestly, because it means the final season would/could/should be back up to expectations. :)
I've been wondering if the sudden suck of the back half of the season isn't due to them not knowing whether they'd get a Season 5
I'm sure that's part of it, but it seems to me in every season late in the second half they suddenly get on this thing where they think the show is about Peter, and it's just not. Or, Peter is the object but Olivia is the protagonist. And then they pull out of it. Hopefully they can do that again. This episode was a good first step.
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