won't you come out to play?

Feb 25, 2012 13:54

Meme gacked from everywhere:

First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:
The Hardy Boys! Oh man, I had such a little girl crush on Parker Stevenson, I can't even tell you.

First fandom in which I interacted (online and in person) with other fans:
I don't think geeking out over Star Wars as a 7yo with other 7yos is what this is asking about, nor do I think it's about how all my friends were big into X-Files in its first five seasons and how we talked about it at work on Monday morning, so in terms of what is recognizable as media fandom, it's Homicide: Life on the Street for online (alt.tv.homicide represent!) and in person, well, the first fangirl dinner I went to was in honor of
hesychasm visiting NYC, and I want to say it was pretty early on in my time in fandom, and I met her and
thuviaptarth and Sab and a variety of other people who I've since run into on and off both online and at in-person gatherings. (I'm still not sure how I got invited, but I went despite huge levels of social anxiety and I was really glad I did.)

Pairing in the first (m/m) slash fanfiction I read:
Well, okay, before I was in fandom proper, I did read some really terrible Mulder/Krycek. And then once I was participating in fandom, I read some really terrible Angel/Xander. And then I read some really good Bayliss/Kellerman and said, "Oh. That is why people like boyslash." I have a feeling that the first girlslash I read (likely Buffy/Faith) was much better than the first boyslash I read.

First RPS/RPF I read:
Does Lord of the Two Lands count? I actually read that long before Fire from Heaven. I am actually really squicked by RPF (unless it's historical), oddly enough, so if J2 couldn't get me over that, I don't think anything will (though I freely admit to totally shipping Clooney/Pitt in a non-fic-reading way).

First fanfiction I read that made me think, YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...
I'm pretty sure it was either "Safety in Numbers" by Elizabeth, or something in West Wing fandom by Luna.

Pairing in the first fanfiction I wrote:
The pairing in the first story I posted was Logan/Rogue.

First OTP:
Han/Leia! Jo/Laurie! Legolas/Gimli! Eowyn/Faramir! Aravis/Shasta! Lucy/Caspian! Achilles/Patroclus! Alexander/Hephaistion! Spider-man/Iceman/Firestar! This is all pre-being in fandom, though. I think you will see my patterns for shipping established themselves early and haven't really changed.

First RPS/F OTP:

First fannish friend I met in person:
Huh. After the XF fannish gathering above, there were some Smallville fangatherings, so I met a bunch of people at once.

First character I formally roleplayed:
I've never done this. It's just not something that works for me, mainly because it requires joining and collaboration, two things I'm terrible at.


Thank you to marciaelena and mousapelli for the blue dragons on my LJ user info! ♥♥♥


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/438279.html.
people have commented there.

memes: fannish, all about me, otp/shipping, fannishness

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