they got the look they wanted

Feb 17, 2012 22:29


Douglaston! Really?

Dear Fringe writers:

THERE IS NO SUBWAY STATION IN DOUGLASTON. You have to take the railroad into Penn, or a bus to Jamaica or Flushing to get on the subway. Or to Roosevelt Avenue. which is in Jackson Heights. Not Douglaston.

Please hire me to be your NYC beta.


With that out of the way!

Oh, Olivia.

I like how Peter is in blue and Walter is washed in yellow light while he's telling Peter that he knows what he's doing. And then at the very end, when Peter and Olivia are hooking up, they're bathed in green light - amber + blue (there is a lot of yellow on Olivia's side of the screen).

Oh, man, Nina is totally a shapeshifter! That is why she is injecting Olivia! I hope that is the case. Also, Olivia better rescue herself next week, because that is what I have come to expect from this show.

Oh, Astrid...

Ooh! More about the Observers! Plus David Robert Jones! Things are definitely coming to a head!


I don't often get actually teary over celebrity deaths, but earlier today I was reading about Gary Carter and the quotes from his teammates made me all teary.

In less sad sports news, in addition to Jeremy Lin reigniting everyone's interest in the Knicks, we have LINSANITY to thank for Time Warner and MSG finally making a deal so I can watch the Rangers again. I was going to include a link about Jeremy Lin, because I've read some interesting stuff about him and the whole phenomenon, but I'm kind of spoiled for choice and I don't really care enough about basketball to sort through them again to find the ones that I liked, though I certainly enjoy the city being electrified over the Knicks, because it's been forever since that happened. And I know the magic isn't going to last forever, or even past tonight, as they're currently losing by five with 15.3 seconds left, but it is the kind of thrill that only sports can provide.


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