the very things that make you live are killing you

Dec 14, 2011 21:16

So in my apparent quest to watch ALL the movies Chris Evans has been in (or most of them, anyway), I just watched Puncture. It's a good movie and he's very good in it. Except I think it's probably a lot easier to watch if you are not completely smitten with him. Or if you don't have a squick about watching someone screw up their personal life (in terms of drug use; if drug use/addiction is a squick for you (or needles - it's a lot about needles, obv.), don't watch this movie).

Since it's based on a true story, I thought he would come out of it okay - he does try to get clean after the senator busts him and he talks his way into a second chance - and I figured they would eventually win the case because otherwise it would be a complete downer and also I've heard of these safety syringes in other contexts, but I was not expecting him to die of an OD, especially after that balls out (not literally) confrontation with the other lawyer. I... yeah, no. And then they dedicate the movie to him (the real guy, not Chris Evans) and it's really sad. IDEK. He was a brilliant, passionate guy who couldn't get on top of his addiction and it killed him.

From a public health perspective, it's also a really interesting movie, but one I will never watch again.


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