you're a strange new story every time

Nov 17, 2011 12:21

I have been earwormed with "It Takes Two" since I saw this brilliant flowchart on tumblr. And then I realized I'd never answered comments on I'm not a sucker so I don't need a bodyguard. *facepalm* I will get on that shortly. I really do appreciate the comments, though.

I did my yuletide signup last night, and I ended up only making the officially allowed 6 offers, mostly because there was only one fandom I felt I could actually offer "any" without it being an issue. In numerous cases, I was like, "I could do any!" *looks at character list* "I don't even know who that is! So I guess I will not be offering any!" *hands*

I realize that part of the draw of yuletide is the obscurity, but I also don't want to get stuck writing fic about a character who never even appears but is only named, or a character who shows up in one episode, or a character who never has any onscreen dialogue, etc. While some people are good at that, I'm really not. I'm also not good at what is basically original fiction writing that a lot of the less traditional sources require. I feel kind of odd about it? but I also feel like I should play to my strengths, given how even when I've gotten requests that seem right up my alley, I have trouble. (It's just the writing to request thing - somewhere I lost the knack for it - so I always go through a stage of hating/resenting whatever assignment I get, even when it does turn out to be great.)

So now I'm just stalking the offer/request summary list to see if anyone other than me offers Young Allies, and to try to guess the odds of my getting one thing over another, though it's still way too early in the signup process for that to be meaningful, and I never guess right anyway.

I also enjoy reading other people's dear writer letters, though for the most part, no one's asked for what I've offered yet. There's always treats!


Have a poem:

Dry Cell Rechargeable Poem

I used to love to lie awake past bedtime
reading by flashlight under the breathing covers.
Maybe that's why I take you to bed like a book now
open you to a good place & turning
your pages quietly, love you to the end.

Explains why I'm Eveready, why
you're a strange new story every time.

~J.W Miller


This entry at DW:
people have commented there.

hilarity, poetry, yuletide, i am okay with that!, fannishness

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