but where I live the game to play is compromise solution

Sep 28, 2011 11:59

Oh my god, sometimes Dinosaur Comics makes my day so much brighter. *dies*


Okay, so I get that Pinboard costs money, which makes it less appealing and useable for a lot of fans. My reason for preferring it to Diigo is that I actually find the ugly interface easier to use than Diigo's, and also, by paying for a service, I actually become the customer (not that this has helped with LJ, but in theory), rather than the commodity (content) being sold to advertisers (the real customers). I am still going to try to keep up with Diigo, though I haven't figured out yet how to back up Pinboard to Diigo, rather than the other way around, so if someone knows how I can do that, help would be most appreciated.

Some links you might find helpful:

+ several ways to see your tags using the API (I don't know what that is, but I did manage to get it to work, sort of)
+ discussion of Diigo and Pinboard (also here), including a link to that Great Delicious Migration spreadsheet on gdocs, where you can put in your username at various online services so other fans can find you.
+ along the same lines, links to alternatives, which includes a link to the Delicious -> Pinboard name mapper so you can find your network peeps on Pinboard.

This is not in any way an exhaustive list of links; it's just what I've run across in my web travels this morning.

Anyway, after some freaking out and scrambling yesterday, I was able to find all my September recs, so I updated
unfitforsociety this morning with 20 recs in 8 fandoms (fyi, most of the crossovers involve Leverage):

* 9 Captain America
* 4 Crossovers
* 3 Young Avengers
* 2 DCU
* 1 Firefly and 1 Leverage

As always, read, love, send feedback.


Last night, I was trying to convince mousapelli to write some Tim/Kon for me, and she came up with this idea where Dick gives Tim completely useless advice about wooing Kon, and then Bruce and Clark get involved and the hilarious awkwardness increases exponentially from there. Don't you want to read that story? I totally want to read that story.

I also wanted her to write me the story where Tony Stark absolutely has a crush on Steve Rogers, but Steve is following Pepper around like a lovesick puppy, so Pepper is flattered and amused and Tony is a complete failboat. It would have to be movieverse, since I can't see comics!Steve mooning around over anyone but Bucky. My only request is that it not end up Steve/Tony. Why doesn't this story exist? It would be hilarious.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/374393.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, we make our own fun, i should've been a librarian, this is captain america calling, capes and cowls, links, you should totally write that, recs updates

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