i'm not feeling that good myself

Sep 23, 2011 15:24

Last night, I went to a party for
fleurdeleo's birthday, and there was wine, oh, so much lovely wine and food and conversation. So I had to rely on my dvr to pick up the season premiere of Community, which I enjoyed, though I swear, the review on AV Club descends into almost Jacob-of-TWOP levels of pretentious gasbaggery. I just want someone to talk about how hilarious Troy calling Britta "the opposite of Batman" was, or to squee about Troy and Abed moving in together, and the show clearly knows that Troy/Abed is a thing because that pregnant pause when Troy said they had an announcement was clearly everybody waiting for them to come out and admit they're boyfriends. I also enjoyed the parodies and John Goodman.

Then I watched Person of Interest, mostly because I knew Taraji P. Henson was in it. Which, she wasn't in it much. And she's been cut out of all the advertising (a fact she herself was outraged about - I can't find the link now, but she posted about it either on fb or twitter). Basically, this show has Jesus Caviezel as sad Batman who uses guns and is okay with killing people and Michael Emerson as a pasty white guy version of Oracle. I was hoping Taraji P. Henson would be their Jim Gordon, but apparently not so much. This is a pilot that takes itself way too seriously; it's ponderous, cliched, and ridiculous, but it doesn't seem to know it's ridiculous. It's a superhero show that thinks it's a CBS procedural. Or something. I don't know, but I did not enjoy it. It doesn't feel like a JAbrams show at all. Otoh, I am not at all surprised that the writer wrote The Dark Knight Returns, because it is basically that movie without any of the stuff that was actually good in it (Jim Gordon, Alfred, Lucius Fox, Harvey Dent; I suppose I have to include the Joker even though I hate the Joker), and all Bruce Wayne manpain (the main dude has a dead girlfriend he feels guilty about not saving! I bet you didn't see that coming!) and creepy big brother is watching you aesthetics. I'll pass, thanks.

Tonight, there is going to be FRINGE. OLIVIA DUNHAM is going to be back on my tv screen, and I AM EXCITE!


sistermagpie linked to this smart dissection of what was wrong with Red Hood and the Outlaws and Catwoman, both of which have gotten terrible reviews, which is kind of heartening.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/371751.html.
people have commented there.

tv: miscellaneous, tv: community, comics: red hood & the outlaws, links, don't make me shoot you, just a typical prototype

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