nothing else around me looks the same

Aug 10, 2011 20:44

So I just finished The Snow Queen's Shadow.


I... man, I am totally upset that Snow is dead and Talia gets Gerta as a consolation prize. I mean, I liked Gerta and am glad that she became her own person, but I honestly expected Snow and Talia to get a happy ending. I mean, mostly I want Talia to have a happy ending because she is my very favorite and while I guess she will eventually move on, I wanted her to have her happy ending with Snow, dammit!

I can't decide now if I want ALL the fix-it fic in the world, or if I just want to let it go and not poke at it because it's upsetting and it hurts.

I did enjoy Danielle outsmarting the Duchess and also that Hephyra will live again after her tree recovers, but mostly I am at the OH MY HEART, OH SNOW, OH TALIA stage of things. Wah!

Please come talk to me in comments if you've read it.


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