you go where summer goes

Aug 10, 2011 10:32

Last night, I made this roasted tomato sauce. It was good, but a little time consuming for after work, when mostly I just want to eat as quickly as possible.

I got some gorgeous locally grown tomatoes - plum tomatoes and the ones that are sold still on the vine, about 15 tomatoes in all. Here are six of them:

Chopped them up and covered them with what is basically salad dressing (olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic/oregano/salt etc.):

Then roasted them for 45 minutes at 350°F:

Unfortunately, I didn't time the macaroni right, and it wasn't done until about fifteen minutes after the tomatoes (stupid water, taking so long to boil), but it all worked out in the end:

It tasted as good as it looks, though I was reminded that as much as I love cooked tomatoes (and I do), I find the skins really annoying. If it didn't require extra work, I'd blanch them first to get the skins off (which is what I do when I make regular sauce from actual tomatoes instead of canned), but I'm not sure it's worth the extra effort.

Anyway, if you have extra tomatoes, this is a good use for them (also Giada's pasta formiana, which is also fantastic and easy).


White Collar

Wow, the Peter/El/Neal subtext basically became text last night, huh?

I don't get why, once Moz knew Keller was in town, they didn't try to frame him for everything.

They better not kill off El, is all I can say. I'm sure Mozzie will come back to help rescue her, since they've made a point of them being friends, though given that Moz had no problem luring her out of the house so Neal could break in, I should probably put friends in scare quotes.

Diana is the best. Also, I wish Anna Chlumsky had been more in on the plan instead of just being charmed by Neal.


lizbee wrote me some adorable Sokka & Zuko ice fishing shenanigans: Thin Ice. ♥


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