the taste of defeat was never too far from your mind

Jul 22, 2011 09:18

I am sitting on my couch, waiting for the plumber to arrive.

eight hours earlier

I am standing in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, when I feel a splash on my arm. I look up, and see the patch on the ceiling has started to crack, and there is a slow but steady drip coming from it. I sigh heavily and put an aluminum casserole pan underneath the leak, and go to bed.

four hours earlier

I wake up and have to pee. I go into the bathroom and discover that the ceiling is still dripping at a slow (once every three or four minutes) but steady rate.

one hour earlier

Since the ceiling is still leaking, I call Temporary Super (Not-So-Mean Super is on vacation), and he and Temp Super 2 show up about ten minutes later and attempt to locate the source of the leak. When that is unsuccessful, they tear out the ceiling above the toilet and identify a pipe in the ceiling that is leaking.

"It's too big a job for us," they tell me. "We just called the plumber."

"Do I have to be here?"

They exchange incredulous glances. "Yes."

I call in to work to say I won't be in today (Me: "So they just ripped out my bathroom ceiling." S: "That's not good."). Sigh.


So I'm sitting on my couch waiting for the plumber to arrive.

How is this my life?

You know, I love my apartment, but I hate the bathroom. It is nothing but pain and misery. Leaks, floods, bugs, no hot water, no water at all, clogged sinks, collapsed ceilings. Ugh. Why so difficult, bathroom? Why can't you just be a good room like the kitchen, living room, and bedroom? Is it because you don't get counted as a room in real estate listings? But you get mentioned all on your own! Is that not enough?

And now I'm talking to my bathroom as it if is actually sentient, which would explain a lot, actually.


Here, let's look at something a lot more fun:

Would you look at that bear-dog (I think that is what it is, though I suppose it could be a wolf-bear or something)? So awesome! This is an official limited edition poster being sold at Comic-Con, not fanart.



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