where's all that money that i spent?

May 07, 2011 13:17

So, Fringe. My only real issue with Peter winking out of existence - or, with no one remembering he exists, whichever it is (I need to rewatch when I am by myself and won't be interrupted) - is that the WHOLE REASON the two universes are in this mess is because Walter broke through to the other universe to save him! So no Peter, no breach in the fabric of space-time! So shouldn't everybody have vanished to their own altered, Peter-less lives? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

Hopefully, not having Peter around for a bit will allow the focus to snap back to Olivia, where it belongs.

Also, I'm told the words "Dual Maternity" showed up in the opening credits - are we gonna get canon fpreg next season? Or at least Two Olivias raising a baby Henry (whose father now is probably Lincoln)? With help from Grandma, Rachel, cousin Ella and TWO ASTRIDS?

Here's an interview with Jeff Pinkner and JH Wyman, the producers of Fringe, and one with John Noble. There are some vague spoilers, so if you haven't watched last night's episode, maybe wait?

Speaking of sources with alternate universes and wacky time travel shenanigans, during B&N's buy three get one free graphic novel sale, I picked up 52 to read because I understand it's where Renee Montoya becomes the Question, and I love me some Renee Montoya, but my god, I cannot get past Booster Gold. I've been assured that he gets better, but I just have some kind of mental block that makes me put the book down and not pick it up again because he annoys me so much.

In real life news of things that seemingly go against the laws of physics, I have yet again attempted to make ice cream in the KitchenAid ice cream maker attachment I bought my dad for Christmas, and YET AGAIN, the mixture has not frozen into ice cream. I do not understand. I made the same exact recipe earlier this week at home in my Cuisinart ice cream maker and it worked perfectly! Here, we ran the machine for 45 minutes, with a mixture that had been chilled for 15 hours and bowl that had been in the freezer since JANUARY, and it poured out as liquid as it went in. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. <-apparently that is the overarching theme of this post.

Has anyone used a KitchenAid ice cream maker attachment with success? Am I using it at too low a speed? All the complaints on Amazon center around the wonky way the drive attachment fits, but we didn't have any trouble with that part; it fit just fine when we raised the bowl and rotated the way it's supposed to when we turned it on. AND YET. No ice cream*. It's a sad day, my friends, a sad day indeed.

*I now have the liquid in a pyrex dish in the freezer. In about 45 minutes, I will attempt to whisk it by hand, since they don't have an immersion blender, and then again after another 45 minutes of freezing, etc. and we'll see what happens.


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people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, tv: fringe, adventures in cooking, comics: 52

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