never put her roots down

May 06, 2011 22:46



I mean, I knew we weren't going to stay in that world - at first I thought it was a future in a third (yellow) universe, which I guess they wanted us to think maybe, though given the black and white credits (with a tiny tinge of blue), maybe not - but I was sure of it when we discovered the red universe was gone and then Olivia got shot, because you can't have the show without Olivia.

Peter, otoh...

I imagine all those people who complain in the comments at AV Club and that Josh Jackson is always getting sidelined are probably throwing a nutty right now, but you know he's going to be back. It's American network television (well, okay, it's FOX); they're not brave enough to kill Pacey off for reals.

Olivia is the superhero (SHE MASTERED HER TELEKINESIS IN THE FUTURE ♥) and Peter is the princess who needs rescuing. I am not at all bothered by the idea that part of next season's plot will probably be rescuing him from non-existence (what about baby Henry? No Peter, no Henry...)

I possibly ship Olivia/Altlivia now, though. And Astrid, looking fierce out in the field! Though I like the curly hair better.

Ella's all grown up and an agent of Fringe Division!

I was sad there was no Lincoln Lee, and no alt!Charlie, but we did get Ella! And Broyles is a senator with a bionic eye! And possibly we'll get Lincoln and alt!Lincoln and alt!Charlie next season! I wonder if they're going to keep the b&w credits, or if that was just a one-time thing?

So what all happened in Detroit?

Aw, Gene.

I'm so glad they went with time travel rather than the stupid first people schtick, but I also think it made no sense. But I don't care! because Time travel! Sending people back to the Paleozoic to plant bits of the machine! Walter! The Observers all gathered on Liberty Island! WTF?

and lastly, LOTR reunion! Wormtongue and Denethor, together again for the first time! When I saw Brad Dourif I was like, REALLY? REALLY? AWESOME! Too bad he didn't get more to do. I hope he shows up in the present-day storyline next season.

I need to rewatch, because once again I was watching with the parents, which meant 20 questions with Dad every two seconds.

For those of you uninterested in Fringe, tzikeh has some amazing photos of Matt Bomer & Tim DeKay and Tiffani Thiessen (there are only spoilers of a sartorial sort, if such things can actually be considered spoilers). Dear god, I may die of the hot.

If White Collar isn't your thing, here is a link to an interview with Art Baltazar and Franco, the two guys who write and draw Tiny Titans. (thanks to
gloss for the link over on tumblr)

If Tiny Titans isn't your thing, then I can't help you.


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comics: tiny titans, tv: white collar, tv: fringe

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