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silveronthetree March 29 2011, 18:12:33 UTC
I have so much I want to say in response to this post and I'm sure I'll forget something.

I think is a terrible venue for reading fic, but that is where I read the stories, and if you think I am going to spend time searching out an author's possible LJ or AO3 account

So much this! I only link to tumblr stories when I'm 90% sure that the author doesn't have an AO3 (I totally stalk people who write awesome fic - just in case they've written more). Most people don't know how to do cut-equivalents on tumblr and the comment thing is impossible.


Hee! So true, even though I only ship them vaguely, they are my one true BFF.

ranking Robins in terms of my emotional attachment to them

This is so freaking hard for me. My favourite depends on which one I've read most recently and how horrible they are being to the other Robins. Which should mean that Steph and Dick should always top the list.

read the hell out of any Dick/Steph anybody wrote

Before I read any Dick/Steph fic, I was trying to think of the Robin pairing that felt the most wrong to me (excluding anything with Damian) and that was it. There is just the whole unresolved Steph/Tim thing. And I actually find it kind of similar to the way I feel about Babs/Bruce. On the other hand Dick/Steph is ridiculously hot - have you read the one where he fucks her against the ceiling?

And I keep meaning to ask - have you read any Jason/Tim?


musesfool March 29 2011, 19:46:32 UTC
Most people don't know how to do cut-equivalents on tumblr and the comment thing is impossible.

*nod nod*

It's just... it makes NO SENSE as a venue for fic, but if people are going to write good stories and post there, I suppose I will link to it.

My favourite depends on which one I've read most recently and how horrible they are being to the other Robins. Which should mean that Steph and Dick should always top the list.

Aw, and that puts Jason always at the bottom. *pets him*

There is just the whole unresolved Steph/Tim thing. And I actually find it kind of similar to the way I feel about Babs/Bruce.

Interesting. I never really thought about the unresolved Tim issues, mostly because I really do have to remind myself that Tim/Kon isn't canon, and so I'm like, "Well, Tim's got Kon, and it's not like Dick and Steph are going to get married or anything. They're just hot like burning and enjoying having sex with each other." I guess he might feel hurt? But I think the difference is that Dick has had sex with quite a few people where it didn't mean a whole lot, so Dick and Steph hooking up would be kind of par for the course, whereas with Bruce, he doesn't have a lot of meaningful romantic relationships, so for him to date Dick's ex-fiancee feels like a whole lot more portentious. (also, fanonically, I think it would kind of just be like an exasperated, "Oh, guys, what did you do?" instead of Tim feeling Dick's betrayed him. Otoh, possibly Tim would be more jealous that she got to have sex with Dick? I can't quite work that out now that I've thought about it. Huh. Pretty much the only way I can comfortably read Dick/Tim is if Steph is there, too. The way I feel about Dick/Tim is kind of the way I feel about Bruce/Dick, for similar but not the same reasons which someday I will write an essay about that is even longer than this comment.)

have you read the one where he fucks her against the ceiling?


I have not, but I will make a note to do so soon!

have you read any Jason/Tim?

I've read a couple of things, but it really doesn't work for me, mostly because in the stories I've tried, I get the sense they really don't like each other, and that's not a dynamic I enjoy. There seems to be this focus on how much they've hurt each other fighting before they get down to sex. Like, as much as I think Dick wants to beat Jason up, I don't think he wants to hurt Jason, if that makes sense. And Jason just wants to prove he's better than Dick, and if some bones get broken, well, that's what happens. Whereas with Tim, it feels like Jason is really out for blood.

Otoh, I did enjoy something that was an AU where they were street kids, mostly because they didn't have that constant thread of viciousness in it.

I just have a lot of thoughts about Robins, I guess...


silveronthetree March 29 2011, 23:33:39 UTC
It's just... it makes NO SENSE as a venue for fic, but if people are going to write good stories and post there, I suppose I will link to it.

I know - although I can understand that people want to post where they already have their audience, especially if that is the only place that they post.

Aw, and that puts Jason always at the bottom. *pets him*

I know! So it must be wrong. *hugs Jason tightly*

mostly because I really do have to remind myself that Tim/Kon isn't canon

:D Whereas I'm coing from a Tim/Steph & unrequited Tim/Dick point of view, so it was my first thought.

But I think the difference is that Dick has had sex with quite a few people where it didn't mean a whole lot, so Dick and Steph hooking up would be kind of par for the course, whereas with Bruce, he doesn't have a lot of meaningful romantic relationships, so for him to date Dick's ex-fiancee feels like a whole lot more portentious.

That's interesting because I don't really read Dick like that - in my head he mostly only sleeps with people that he is strongly emotionally involved with in some way (except maybe Cheyenne but that was because Barbara had just broken up with him).

If Tim got to watch he's probably feel better about it but I think he would be very upset.

someday I will write an essay about that is even longer than this comment.)

And I would be very interested to read it.

Whereas with Tim, it feels like Jason is really out for blood.

Yeah, all the post-resurrection Jason/Tim has a very nasty edge to it. I don't mind the ones that explore Tim's obsession with Jason (it wasn't just Dick he was stalking) but I much prefer AUs where they are Robins together like Kings Among Runaways. I adore it when they work together.


musesfool March 31 2011, 14:40:18 UTC
although I can understand that people want to post where they already have their audience, especially if that is the only place that they post.

That makes sense, it's just so... tumblr is so ephemeral to me.

:D Whereas I'm coing from a Tim/Steph & unrequited Tim/Dick point of view, so it was my first thought.

Exactly! I think also you are more invested in Tim than I am, so it didn't really occur to me that he'd be upset on a more than superficial level. (I also am not really sure what issues lie between him and Steph at this point - her letting him think she was dead is pretty huge on its own and I don't know that they've worked that out, but apparently there are other things?)

If Tim got to watch he's probably feel better about it but I think he would be very upset.

Hee! I think letting him watch is probably the way to his heart.

I much prefer AUs where they are Robins together like Kings Among Runaways. I adore it when they work together.

Ah! I think I read part of that, but it was from somewhere in the middle so I didn't know exactly what was going on. I should probably track the whole thing down.


silveronthetree March 31 2011, 23:23:32 UTC
I think also you are more invested in Tim than I am

Oh definitely. I adore my creepy, stalker Robin. That's what happenms when you read more than a hundred issues of his comic.

I also am not really sure what issues lie between him and Steph at this point - her letting him think she was dead is pretty huge on its own and I don't know that they've worked that out, but apparently there are other things?)

Yeah. They both still have feelings for each other but neither thinks that it will work because of all the issues. Tim didn't want Steph to carry on as Spoiler in case she gets hurt or someone else gets hurt because of her (ouch!). They had an argument when Tim left on his quest to find Bruce. They are working together at the moment but it is very awkward and tension filled.

Ah! I think I read part of that, but it was from somewhere in the middle so I didn't know exactly what was going on. I should probably track the whole thing down.

Here you go! Kings Among Runaways. They are very cute together.


musesfool April 7 2011, 15:50:27 UTC
That's what happenms when you read more than a hundred issues of his comic.

I would imagine so!

They are working together at the moment but it is very awkward and tension filled.

Now that I've read Batgirl and Red Robin, I feel that maybe Steph and Tam need to team up and help Tim unclench a little. I feel like threesomes are the solution to so many of his problems.


silveronthetree April 8 2011, 17:33:46 UTC
Now that I've read Batgirl and Red Robin


I feel that maybe Steph and Tam need to team up and help Tim unclench a little.

This so needs to happen. Tam is pretty awesome - I love how she takes things like Ninjas and assassins (and ninja assassins) and every crazy thing that Tim does in her stride.


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