I know 'cause we were kids and we used to hang

Mar 29, 2011 13:21

Recs update!

unfitforsociety has been updated for March 2011 with 22 recs in 5 fandoms:

* 17 DCU
* 2 Supernatural
* 1 Avatar: The Last Airbender
* 1 Sports Night and 1 Sports Night/Gilmore Girls crossover

I've been getting a huge amount of spam on unfitforsociety, even with captcha turned on, so I'm considering turning off commenting on it altogether on LJ and directing any comments to the DW version. It doesn't get a lot of comments, so I don't think that should be a problem, though I'm sure some people would find it off-putting. It just annoys me that I have to open a second browser to log in and delete the spam once or twice a day. I don't want to turn off just anonymous commenting because I do get actual comments from anonymice occasionally, so it seems unfair to just target them. I don't know. Maybe by next month I will have figured it out.

Also, for the first time, I've linked to stories on tumblr, which I think is a terrible venue for reading fic, but that is where I read the stories, and if you think I am going to spend time searching out an author's possible LJ or AO3 account, you clearly haven't met me and my lazy, lazy ass. So, yeah, there's that.

Also also, I still haven't separated out any of the DCU stuff. I've noted where it's animated so if there's nothing in parens after the rec, it's probably comics-based? Or I didn't know enough to tell the difference.

It's kind of amusing to me that I'm like, ♥WALLY♥ for two stories and then on a third I'm like, "Too bad he's not awesome on the show," but they are DIFFERENT VERSIONS of Wally and as much as it pains me, because animated JLU!Wally is THE MOST AWESOMEST, so far animated Young Justice!Wally is kind of a tool. I try to comfort myself with the idea that the large majority of 15 year olds are tools, and he'll grow out of it. *hands*

It also amuses me that I don't really have a lot of trouble keeping separate universes separate, but by god, I will not read animated!YJ Superboy/Robin, because all I can think while I read it is, "TIM IS SUPERBOY'S ROBIN" [yes, I think it in ALL CAPS, and I shake my mental fist while I think it]. It's even more hilarious because I have no problem shipping Superboy/M'gann (I ship it hard) and feel no real attachment to Tim qua Tim - I like him well enough (but better in fic than canon so far) but while I understand intellectually why people love him, I don't really get it myself. I guess I just haven't read enough canon with him in it to invest that much emotionally. If I were ranking Robins in terms of my emotional attachment to them, he wouldn't be in the top three, is what I'm saying. He'd be above Damian and below Steph (even though I haven't read anything where Steph is actually Robin, I already love her, if only for this). Dick and Jason trade off the one and two spots, depending on my mood.

Anyway, the point is, Tim/Kon has somehow become my only real hard-and-fast DCU OTP, so I can't deal with Superboy/Dick. I'm irrational. I'm aware of it.

Also, and I was going to say this in the rec and then decided not to, since while I do editorialize, I also kind of don't (much - I mean, I talk about the stories, not what else I would like to read), but I would read the hell out of any Dick/Steph anybody wrote. (Including Tim and/or Jason there would also be pleasing to me, and I know how much all y'all want to please me. [speaking of threesomes, Steph/Tim/Kon, people. Why is there not lots of that? WHY?]) (I also think the description of any story containing Dick and a person who is past the age of puberty and isn't, like, Bruce or Alfred, should contain the words "and then there was kissing," because, you know, it wouldn't even be all that far from canon. Also, also, one of the things that tickles me greatly about fanart people post of him on tumblr is how he always talks in hearts. He is made of sparkly hearts, guys. Even as Batman. I will stop gushing now.)

If he's not kissing people, he ought to be hugging them. I'm just saying.

I feel like every fandom could use more hugs. I think this is a result of being broken repeatedly by SPN and then watching AtLA. SO MANY GROUP HUGS IN ATLA. I draw sparkly hearts around it. Also in Blue Beetle. Reyes family hugs for everybody!

Note to writers: your heroes will be much better adjusted as people if they get hugged a lot, and your readers will appreciate it! Hugging! It's what's for... dinner? Okay, that didn't quite work out right, but you know what I mean.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/304564.html.
people have commented there.

we make our own fun, everybody loves dick, otp/shipping, batman, capes and cowls, you should totally write that, recs updates, i am okay with that!

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