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musesfool March 1 2011, 20:36:24 UTC
I loved writing in it too! I was just reminded of how amazing season 2 was for episode codas. I think I wrote a coda for, like, half the episodes! In addition to working on casefiles and stuff.

that perfect time when what you want to write and what you can write keep overlapping and poking you in interesting ways. Too bad it's like chemistry, and can't be faked or manufactured.


I've been enjoying what I've been writing lately, but it doesn't have that same electric quality, where it feels like it's just all spilling out and will never stop.

Maybe try that and just dash off some tiny little ficlets, while you wait for your next One True Fandom?

That was the plan for halfamoon! But it didn't happen. Everything is difficult and complicated! Writing is hard! In ways it didn't used to be, or, at least, I don't remember it being for this long a period of time.

Sometimes I feel like it's so much easier right now to just consume other people's writing (and ridiculous amounts of various sources) than it is to actually write anything myself.


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