see the thorn twist in your side

Mar 01, 2011 11:17

I forgot to mention, I updated
unfitforsociety (also, check out the stylin' new layout), on Friday:

unfitforsociety has been updated for February 2011 with 26 recs in 9 fandoms:

* 11 Avatar: The Last Airbender
* 6 DCU
* 3 Star Trek Reboot
* 1 each Fringe, The Middleman, West Wing, Dark Angel, the Hunger Games, and White Collar.

white_lotus produced a lot of awesome stuff - there are still things I haven't gotten to read yet - and I am still especially in love with the vid I received.

Which leads right into my top 5 songs:

Top 5 songs - February 2011

5. We Want War - These New Puritans

4. Narcissus in a Red Dress - the Like

3. Watershed - Vienna Teng

2. Spotlight (Oh, Nostalgia) - Patrick Stump

1. Unseen (unplugged) - Frank Turner

angelgazing is laughing at me right now.


Monthly writing roundup - February 2011

Backwards and in heels
Under the Red Hood; Ms. Li; g; 490 words
She knows as much about the business as he does.

what hands uncover
Batman: The Animated Series; Babs/Dick; pg; 1290 words
Robin and Batgirl, chasing each other, always competing as much as working together.

A system of impenetrable sighs
Young Justice (animated); Superboy/M'gann; pg; 1,030 words
Superboy doesn't understand what the big deal is about kissing.

Not a very productive month. I failed almost totally at halfamoon, which makes me sad, even though I do like the one ficlet I managed to write.

I like all three stories, actually. The latter two surprised me, as they're things I didn't really expect to ever write, but then, I seem to be saying that a lot lately. *snerk* I think I'm getting back into the writing groove. It helps that the whole Batman-Iron Man crossover thingy I'm writing is making me laugh.

I've been thinking a lot about fandom and my interactions with it, and not necessarily in the sense of behaviors or whatever, but in how it feels like certain fandoms are totally a match for the kinds of stories I like to write - I think nothing will ever quite match hitting Remus/Sirius at just the right time. When I started reading and writing it, you could basically read all the Remus/Sirius fic on the internet in a week, possibly two. It was before movie!PoA came out and really cemented them as Harry's married old gay uncles, and even after OotP and the stupid veil, there was a huge upsurge in the amount of fic - and the amount of fic of the type I most wanted to read - being produced.

I think I had a good run in SPN - I wrote a lot of stuff I never expected to write, and while I don't think I got especially good at writing casefiles, which is what I mostly wanted to write, I think I got better at it than I was, and I wrote some of the best stories I've ever written in SPN.

I feel, in terms of characters, like Firefly was a fantastic place to be, and I love the Firefly stories I've written, and would like to write more in that fandom at some point. I can still hear Mal and River and Kaylee and Zoe in my head sometimes - it just hasn't coalesced yet into anything recognizable as a story.

There are other fandoms that I might enjoy writing in, but which haven't really pinged in whatever part of my imagination that needs pinging to really get the words out - Leverage, White Collar, Friday Night Lights, Fringe, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Castle, Veronica Mars (though I do love crossing Veronica over into other fandoms). I'd like to write in all of them, more than the one or two brief ficlets I've written already (or at all in Fringe), and I'm not sure why I haven't. It's kind of like my thing with Sports Night - I love Sports Night, and I've written a few stories in it, but I don't ever have any real ideas that spur me on. And I would say that it's because I was satisfied with canon, but in the case of SN that wouldn't necessarily be true *snerk* or because I don't ship Dan/Casey, which would be true but feels slightly off, because I can totally write them as heterosexual life partners who may or may not have sex. I've also never written a lot of BtVS fic, for whatever reason, though I go back to it occasionally, and I do like crossovers with it.

I feel like I really would like to write more Middleman fic - I enjoy it tremendously whenever I do - but I also feel like all of the Middleman fic I've written is exactly the same. I do have one wip that is less an excuse to write funny puns and more an emotional examination of MM and Wendy post-Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse, but finding the right emotional tone is hard.

And I feel like I've said everything I had to say about Danny and Rusty, though there is still the possibility of coming out of retirement fic. They probably get bored really easily, you know?

I've already written numerous times about my anxieties about writing fic in the DC(A)U, given the sprawling canon, but I also feel like the things I'm interested in writing, and the things I'm good at writing, aren't necessarily things that people reading in that fandom would be interested in reading, if I actually made any attempt to seek out the fandom, which I haven't.* I mean, I'm sure a lot of it is my usual writerly anxiety about only writing superficial fluff and romance instead of anything deep and meaningful, but compounded by all the other anxieties, which has made writing more fraught for me than it has been in years.

I keep reminding myself that as long as I'm entertaining myself, I don't really need to care what other people think, though I hope they're entertained as well.

*Tumblr doesn't count; for me, tumblr serves a whole different purpose, part of which is to allow me to giggle and coo over Robins (and other fannish shiny objects) without having to actually interact with anyone I don't already know; aside from a small handful of people, nearly everyone I know who was in DCU fandom has long since moved on. Which says something about my timing. *snerk*


Now I have to go make copies. Yay?


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monthly writing roundup, writing: neuroses, girl of random thoughts, top 5 songs, recs updates, fannishness

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