don't think 'cause i understand, i care

Feb 23, 2011 13:02

I have watched through the Family Day episode of Community, and mostly what I have to say is, who knew Joel McHale was hiding a hot body underneath those hipster clothes? Also, Abed's Don Draper come on was awesome and hot. Plus, the Bert and Ernie tag at the end, called due to Troy's cousin's funeral. "I knew there was a reason I couldn't do this today!" "Poor Dmitri." *dies*

Also, I finished No Man's Land. I liked it a lot. Actually, my first response after finishing it was:

1. Huntress, how so awesome? ♥♥♥

quickly followed by

2. Dick, what the hell are you doing?

and also,

3. I still don't care that much about Azrael. Why did we spend so much time with him?

The way I read it (in a huge chunk through the middle and then in fits and starts to the end) made the pacing of the end seem wonky, as it seemed to stall and sputter and then lurch into high speed at the end. I enjoyed seeing Catwoman and Batman get the best of Mercy and Lex, respectively, and was pleased with myself for guessing that Lex was the new power player in town when that storyline first started unfolding. (Could have used more Bat/Cat smoochies, though. IJS.)

I was very glad Huntress finally got validated by Batman not because it raised my opinion of her - I thought she was pretty frigging awesome all the way through; even if joining up with what's his face, Petit, was a poor choice, I think she managed to keep that guy from doing more damage, which is probably what Bruce intended when he kicked her to the curb (bastard) - but because it was clear that she really wanted/needed it. It just took her getting shot three times for him to say it. Nice, Bruce. I did laugh out loud at Dick's, "That's his highest form of praise. No, really," as he was carrying her to the clinic. It's funny 'cause it's true.

Which I guess leads me to wonder what the hell at Dick kissing her at midnight. I like Dick/Babs as a pairing though I'm not particularly OTP about it, and I haven't yet read the background on his hookup with Huntress, though I gather it was not the smartest decision either of them ever made (though I bet it was superhot!), so I don't have anything against them hooking up again, either, but I thought he was Barbara's date at the gala and that he was planning to be with her at midnight (per his conversation with Tim). But then he was with Helena. Which, dude, if you're trying to get a lady to make a commitment, and she's wary because, among other things, you have a history of being flaky and digging on other women, leaving her to go make out with your ex is a(n apparently aptly named) dick move. So I was definitely confused. I mean, I get going to visit her, 'cause she just got shot three times? but the timing and the making out were puzzling.

Also, I'm still not really clear on why Bruce disappeared for three months after his failure to get Congress to give Gotham aid and not enact NML. Was he seriously just licking his wounds? I mean, I get that he decided to go be Bruce Wayne for a while, but after that? He came back and hung out with Alfred? (Not that that is not a worthy pursuit in and of itself. I would totally hang out with Alfred any time, if he were real and wanted to hang out with me. We could bake cookies.) I must have missed something, because that didn't make any sense to me.

He won't let anyone else take care of Gotham (your city has been cut off from the country and is a disaster area, so of course you should get pissy when Superman shows up to help. What the actual fuck is that? Bruce's territoriality amazes even me sometimes, and I think I get it pretty well under normal circumstances, but that was just him being a dumbass [even if Superman couldn't actually help as much as he thought he could doesn't mean his help should have been rejected out of hand]), but then he disappears when she really needs him, and not only that, he sends away the people he does actually sanction to work there and gets snarly when someone not in his super special group appropriates his name because she understands even if he's forgotten that Gotham needs the Batman. (Have I mentioned how awesome Huntress is in this? So awesome!)

Bruce/Gotham = OTP, but he's still the worst boyfriend ever. (Now I see where Dick gets it from. *snerk*)

I also thought Jim Gordon's anger towards him was oddly sourced. I'm not sure I buy that other cities would think he's a laughingstock because he has Batman - I mean, does the Metropolis police commissioner get laughed at 'cause he's got Superman? is it because people still think Batman's an urban legend? - but okay, I can understand that under normal circumstances, that might chafe, but there was a much more real and present reason to be pissed off - that Batman disappeared when the city needed him most. So Gordon's desire to do it all on his own without Batman's help worked for me on that level. I also really liked their reconciliation scene, where Bruce finally raised the cowl but Jim wouldn't look. Aw. ♥ (I mean, I figure he has to know? but I really liked the symbolism of that.)

Other cool things were seeing Tim and Steph actually interact (based on what little I've seen of her, I really like Steph a lot), Montoya being awesome, and Cass! ♥

I think I'll probably pick up the novelization - I have a feeling I missed a lot of stuff going on in the artwork, since I have trouble parsing it sometimes, and text will hopefully make it clearer.


Today is my boss's last day in the office before she goes away for a week and a half and things are a little hectic. Sigh.


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