oh, you've got green eyes, oh, you've got blue eyes, oh, you've got grey eyes

Feb 04, 2011 13:41

My parents are frustrating me. The weather has meant that I haven't been out there since New Year's, and *deletes unproductive and overly detailed rant*

Why don't people just do what I tell them to? It would be better and easier on all of us, I swear.

I called my sister, so we'll see what happens.

*is cranky*


I looked up this place fleurdeleo wants to go and it turns out it is the same John St. Bar & Grill in which I easily drank my weight in beer several times over in the mid-90s. And they still have the Thursday night all you can drink happy hour from 5 pm - 8 pm. Jesus. We did have some good times there, and I'm pretty sure my liver has finally recovered. *snerk* And it reminded me of the Stoned Crow, a place I loved, but which apparently closed down in December. *is sad in a nostalgic way* Looks like the Coliseum and Automatic Slims are still open, though. Hell, Slims' bathrooms are probably still ankle-deep in sewage and there is probably still no toilet paper left at the Coli. Dive bars are dive-y.

No wonder we were always so delighted with the posh hotel bars when we traveled. *snerk*


New Fringe tonight! It looks like the vaunted "dress everybody up in gowns and tuxes" kind of episode, which is always fun.


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people have commented there.

life, tv: fringe, i fail at glee!, nyc

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