something in your eyes is making such a fool of me

Jan 24, 2011 10:18

Okay, I don't care what anybody says, 6°F (with a windchill of -11) is TOO COLD for anybody to be out in. If I hadn't already been sick this month, I would have called out. As it is, I took the alternate route to work, the one that cuts three blocks (and an extra staircase) out of my commute. It doesn't seem like much, but it also doesn't require me to walk two avenues; all the walking at the end is north-south blocks, which are much shorter. I will take any minimization of time I have to spend outside in this weather.


oh well, in the end, it was again same old Jets, huh?


Hey, I actually finished something last night! Admittedly, it's only 377 words long, but that has to count, right?

Avatar: the Last Airbender; Sokka/Katara; adult; content notes: underage, incest; 377 words
Sokka always knows what she needs. Maybe he needs it, too.

You know, I was going to put in some Sokka/Katara prompts at the Porn Battle, but then I didn't, mainly because I know what I want out of that pairing (see above) and I wasn't sure anyone else would actually write it. But I forgot that one of the great things about fandom is that no matter what you want, you're never alone, and someone else had put in a Sokka/Katara prompt. So I got to write it, which pleases me. (Basically, all the Sokka/Katara in my head involves bundling for warmth and the fact that they are the only two teenagers in their village.)

I'm going through a phase where I find it much easier to write het sex than boyslash, which is possibly why everything else has ground to a halt. I used to write m/m sex pretty frequently, and I was okay at it, so I'm not sure why I'm completely at a loss right now, but I feel like I've worked really hard to get them naked (finally) and now I don't know what to do with them. It is a puzzlement. Hopefully one I'll solve soon.


Two links that made me laugh:

The Adventures of Sexy Batman by beatonna

Today's xkcd: Na (though be warned, you may end up earwormed. Also, check the comments if you feel there's something missing.)

ETA: apparently, Randall Monroe can't believe he forgot either, so the edited version.


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writing: neuroses, batman, links, i am okay with that!

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