what an emotional swing

Jan 15, 2011 18:59

Ugh, since I've been sick, I feel like time has been passing weirdly. Possibly because I'm spending so much of it huddled on the couch, coughing my lungs out.


So we're gearing up for Remix Redux 9: Love Potion No. 9. Anyone interested in creating a banner for it? It can be more thematic than fannish (like last year's was), if you like, but if it is fannish, it has to be multifandom.

(As much as AO3 made running it easier last year, I do miss the sockpuppets and the icons.)

I have a feeling that tomorrow or Monday I'll be posting with more specific questions; right now, I'm just poking at AO3 and trying to remember whether the "request" field maps to the fandoms you qualify in or the fandoms you want to remix in or what. I realize that it's set up for exchange ficathons and that Remix is an odd duck, but it still feels backwards to me.

I'm also having some existential angst over whether we should even run it anymore, since it seems like every fandom has its own remix at this point. But I want to get to ten, because ten years is FOREVER in fandom time and we're so close.

Anyway. If you'd like to make a banner or something, drop me a comment.


Man, I was enjoying this game right up until the Ravens lost the plot. Sigh. It's amazing how one turnover can just shift everything around. (I like the Steelers fine; I just like Joe Flacco more. *pets him*) Good lord, the Ravens are totally self-destructing. WTF? I do not approve.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/271273.html.
people have commented there.

diary of a mad mod

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