the only thing i could give you was a reputation

Nov 13, 2010 21:09

For like the third (non-consecutive) day this week, I have a terrible headache. I've tried napping and it hasn't helped. Bah. I protest.

Possibly I will make chocolate pudding in a little bit and that will help. What? It's a theory.


So I have working cable again. This guy who came today did a lot more than the first two - the first guy unplugged the box and plugged it back in and told me I was fine. The second guy replaced the old box with a new one and told me I was fine. This guy replaced the new box with a NEW new box - one of a different make and model even - and opened the window to get at the connection coming in from outside, which he fiddled with for a bit, and then he put new ends on the cable that goes into the splitter before hooking it up to the new new box. And everything appears to be working. *knock wood* But he told me that if I have the same problem again within the next few months, it means they need to drop a new line, and I should call and tell them that, and that he's making a note in my account so they won't charge me for it. I'm also getting about half a month's payment as a rebate for my troubles.

The upshot of which is that I was up at 7:40 this morning so I could be dressed and ready in case he came right at 8 am, but like the two guys before him, he showed up at about 8:50 am. Right in the middle of me trying to sign up for yuletide. And he was here for about 35 minutes, which is way longer than either of the other two.

So I can watch the Giants and the Jets tomorrow. Which is really the only reason I still have cable. Oh, sports, why can't you be as easily acquired as scripted tv?


I did get signed up for yuletide eventually, though for some reason, my fourth request was not recorded even though I entered it four separate times. I had to redo the signup twice on Firefox, and it never got through, and then I tried it in Chrome where it dinged me twice for something with the tags being wrong and each time I had to re-fill in all of my offers and the character names on my requests.

So my letter is up here, but I'm holding off on linking it at the comm until I decide if I want to go through the whole process again to add "The Blind Assassin" back in. I mean, it's a fandom I doubt anyone is actually offering, so it might be useless to even bother. I will have to think about it when my head hurts less.

I only did the maximum 10 offers because I do not ever offer "any" on a fandom, and out of the ten, I think I've written 6 of them before, so I didn't really take any huge chances. Otoh, I did offer only things I would be excited to be assigned. My interest in ficathons is basically more about what I'm going to get to write than the story I receive, so this works for me.

I'm kind of annoyed with FedEx though, because I took the advice of everyone who commented and ordered the Blue Beetle trades, with the idea that I'd read it this weekend and if I liked it, I'd offer it, but FedEx is holding them hostage, so that was not to be. Ah well, there will be other opportunities, I'm sure.


It's interesting to me to write these letters every year, what I have to change and what stays the same.

I also find it interesting that meeting the right character can suddenly make me find something I was previously uninterested in really hot. I never much cared for always-a-girl stories before I met Sam Winchester, for example. And as I have devoted a lot of word count to, it's definitely Sam, not Dean, that makes the trope work for me (I also find I like always-a-girl!Kirk or McCoy in the Trek reboot, but I don't seek it out the way I do girl!Sam).

Another kink I've never been into is cross-dressing. It never seemed to fit any of the characters I wrote about and it wasn't a turn on for me by itself, so I tended to skip anything with that in the headers.

And then I met Dick Grayson.

The other day, I made a joke about how Jason wants Dick to be his girlfriend, and silveronthetree linked me to this story, in which Dick is dressing up as part of a job and then there is ridiculously hot kissing with Jason and something in my brain went, that totally works. Possibly because superheroes are mostly playing dress up anyway? And also because at the point in time in which I'm most interested in him, Dick seems to have finally figured out a great deal about who he is, so it's not really trying on new identities to see what fits (hi, Jason, that's what we have you for), so much as it is enough confidence in who he is to play with it in fun and unexpected ways.

So yeah, Sam Winchester as a girl and now Dick Grayson in a dress. Who knew?


catechism's review of the upcoming Social D album made me laugh and laugh. Oh, Mike Ness, I've never been a huge Social D fan, but you hold a special place in my heart.


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technology is not my friend, hoods and birds, writing: characterization

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