the only one i see has carved her way into me

Nov 12, 2010 22:56

So last night after all the cable box contretemps, I unplugged the box completely - it was just irritating me - and then this morning before I left for work I plugged it back in, just to see what would happen. It was working when I got home, though it won't let me see any of the stuff that is supposedly recorded on the DVR.

While at work, I got a call from TWC and now I have a guy coming tomorrow morning between 8 am and 11 am.

I should probably vacuum.

Anyway, since I had tv, I watched SPN. Now, I actually have two positive things to say about this episode.

1. Dean + sniper rifle = HOT

1a. Actually, Dean has been super amazingly pretty this season. Like, EVEN MORE SO than before. HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN? isn't there a threshold beyond which he can NO LONGER GET BETTER LOOKING? APPARENTLY NOT!

2. soulless!Sam is hilarious. He'd sell Dean out for a dollar if he really wanted a soda. hee! Crowley! Though, really, Sam, teasing the dog is just poor form.

Other than that, man, those were some ridiculously anvilicious parallels between Dean and the skinwalker. It was slow and poorly paced and wow, this barely feels like SPN anymore. They've totally gutted Sam and Dean's relationship (while I like that Dean chose 150 ppl over Sam's soul, I would have liked some concern for it for Sam's sake, rather than for Dean getting his brother back). This is what we've come to: Sam is a shell so Dean can have manpain. Ugh.

I don't recognize this show and I find I don't really care what happens. And next week looks like it has the potential to be a total trainwreck.


In other news, my iPod randomly turns itself on and off these days. The hold button no longer actually works - I mean, it still slides into place, but I don't get the little padlock symbol half the time, so when I put it in my pocket, if something brushes up against it, the volume changes or it skips to the next song or whatever.

Oh, Frank, we've had some great times, but you're on your last legs. *sob*


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technology is not my friend, tv: supernatural: episode-related

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