open you up like christmas

Nov 11, 2010 22:56

I have thoughts on the whole
yuletide wank business - as the mod of a smaller but still somewhat large ficathon, how could I not? - but instead of sharing them with you, I instead will link you to the fruits of a discussion
snacky and I had about it last night. Because a new tagline would solve EVERYTHING. (Trufax, my favorite part of Remix is coming up with the tagline. I'm still sad I didn't use "h8ters to the left" this year; next year will probably be "love potion no. 9.")


If I were less mellow after a long day of museum-going, I would be ANGRY WITH RAGE over the fact that ONCE AGAIN, my cable box is kaput, taking with it all my shows this week, and making me unable to watch FRINGE tonight, which is the only fucking show I really NEED to watch in real time anymore. After half an hour on the phone with TWC, the diagnosis is that it's not the box, it's the connection from the cable to the box, and the earliest they can get someone here is Wednesday evening. Though the CSR was very nice and said she'd put down a note to put me down for an appointment on the weekend if one opened up. Just. wtf? WHY CAN'T I WATCH MY SHOW, UNIVERSE? WHY MUST YOU THWART ME?

*shakes tiny, ineffective fist of rage*


In better news, fleurdeleo and I actually made it to The Cloisters today. We met up for brunch and then took a nice, leisurely bus ride uptown. It was a gorgeous day - crisp but not cold, with that amazing blue sky you only ever seen in autumn.

Have some random pictures. these are not in any order and are completely without commentary, except to say that I apparently really like statues of Mary and Jesus, and also of female saints. (Sorry if you just got spammed on tumblr with these.)

The Cloisters

This is what I mean about the color of the sky:

the chapel vault

Mary Magdalene

The Three Kings (whose names we had to google on my phone, because I remembered Melchior and Balthazar, but couldn't remember Gaspar. Poor Gaspar.)

A female saint whose name I did not note

Kneeling virgin (I think this is gorgeous, but her not having hands freaks me out a little - I mean, I know she had them at some point, but...yeah...)

Madonna and Child

Another Madonna and Child

St. Margaret

A terracotta bust of the Virgin Mary.

Ivory and silver tabernacle

German glass beaker

two sarcophagi

silver cruet

silver monstrance

illuminated psalter

Fleur-de-lys stained glass

We also sat outside for a while in the herb garden, but my pictures of that were kind of awful. I loved that you could stand there and see the river, though. Gorgeous.

After seeing everything there was to see, we went to the only nearby restaurant for an early dinner. It was tasty - I had ravioli in a roasted garlic tomato sauce and creme brulee. Then we started the long trek home, where I discovered that my cable was still out.

Now I'm going to try to acquire tonight's Fringe. Wish me luck!


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