we shut 'em up and we shut 'em down

Nov 03, 2010 21:53

I have just one thing to say about Undercovers: SAAAAAARRRRRKKKK!


Here are two FNL links:

Top Ten Most Emotional Moments
though I think they're missing Smash getting the news about A&M

The wit and wisdom of Coach Eric Taylor.


Three links to cool stuff! Three ah ah ah!


You can preview The Promise: The Lost Sessions: Darkness on the Edge of Town, the new album of previously unreleased Springsteen songs here (thanks to
zvi for the link).

Vintage Star Wars travel posters (I think I like the Firefly ones better, but not by much.)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/240511.html.
people have commented there.

tv: undercovers, tv: friday night lights, bruce, tv: fringe, links

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