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musesfool November 4 2010, 15:34:32 UTC
crime very often seems to occur RIGHT as Dick is getting off his shift, so he can conveniently slip into a phonebooth his costume! PERFECT.

It's lovely that the universe crime orders itself around his schedule. Otoh, if I had to be caught by someone in the DCU, I'd choose him, so maybe the criminals are smarter than they look. Hee.

but that I think that when Bruce says, "Once you kill one person, it's a slippery slope," the truth is that once HE kills someone, it would be a slippery slope FOR HIM, but--as you say--that's not necessarily true for everybody. Just because Bruce is a giant ball of rage waiting to explode doesn't mean they ALL are. Heh. IMHO. But I'm not sure he sees that.

Yes. This. Not everybody is like you, Bruce! Some people don't feel angry all the time! (Um, or so I'm told. *cough*)

But at the same time, it's weird that they make such a big deal of it--it MAKES it an issue all the time.

Yeah. I mean, I get that it does make for lots of drama? But it's also kind of like, um, we know they're not going to do it - even the criminals know they're not going to do it - so it's kind of a false drama.

I think, with my ability to ignore the comics, part of what makes Jason interesting to me is where he's drawing his lines - a bag of drug dealers' severed heads = okay! but selling drugs to kids = bad! Like, clearly he has some mental calculus going on that fails on some level, but what nuances is he missing or does he just not care about? And how much of it is because he's overly emotional or doesn't think things through? And how do you know which Jason will show up on any given day?

And YAY, thank you for sharing the flail! And speaking of Dick being a cop, and Dick and Babs: NGGGH.

They are very hot.


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