i will give up meat and sarcasm, okay?

Oct 23, 2010 00:55

Wow, because of my no-working-cable-box sitch, I had to wait for the dl for tonight's SPN, and I think it's entirely possible that SPN and I are done professionally after this episode.

Supernatural: Life Free or Twihard

What a metric fuckton of contrived horseshit this episode was. Okay, I love "Bela Lugosi's Dead" as much as any kid from the 80s who spent time in a goth club in my late teens/early twenties, but are they really still playing it in clubs?

So someone on the writing staff understands how Twilight is full of stalkery/rapey bullshit, and the mockery was amusing, but somehow that's never translated during any of the other episodes where shit like this goes uncalled out (Wishful Thinking, I'm looking at you)? Meanwhile, we still get two creepy little girls and a black guy in Dean's vampire vision. WHY SO WILLFULLY FUCKING SKETCHY, SHOW?

So Sam lets Dean get turned so he can get info on the alpha vamp. Um. How much do I not care about the nth iteration of OH NO SAM CAME BACK WRONG? At least this time, it looks like he actually DID come back wrong, and it's got grandpappy Campbell worried too, but man, I am so not interested in that at this point, especially since the show has juked us out of Sam's storylines so often in the past. And this just completely resets TWO SEASONS' WORTH OF CHARACTER GROWTH FOR SAM in the name of contrived and unnecessary tension.

On the plus side, they didn't kill Lisa! Sadly, she and Dean are over. Which sucks, because I was totally shipping them. Also, again with the Yiddish, Dean. L'chaim!

Meh. Obviously the story I want and the story the show is telling are not the same, so I need to walk away. I think I need to dig out the BtVS ep "Lie to Me" to wash the taste of this one out of my mouth.


Before all that, I met up with fleurdeleo at the bar, and since I was early, but not really early enough to go home and come back, so I went to Sephora and bought lipstick!


I got a tube of Sugar Shag lip gloss and a tube of Sugar Plum lip tint (both by Fresh) and a tube of Black Currant (by Bare Escentuals), and then I got to the bar and showed off my purchases, and fleurdeleo broke the tube of lip gloss. She doesn't know her own strength! So the box was sitting on the table between us when the waitress came over and she was like, "Is that Sugar Shag? I LOVE THAT STUFF!" and she told the story of how once when she couldn't find her tube of it, she went right out and bought a new one, because, as she put it, she's kind of obsessed. She said it's very shiny but not overly sticky or drying, which is definitely a plus.

So after beer and nachos, we went back to Sephora and I returned it and got a non-defective tube, and when I got home I tried it on and the waitress was right. I like it.

Now I am rewatching some Avatar, because it, at least, only breaks my heart in the good way.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/235028.html.
people have commented there.

we make our own fun, tv: supernatural: episode-related, tv: atla, shopping, makeup

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