we counted every black car passing

Oct 15, 2010 22:24

Supernatural: Weekend at Bobby's

While I enjoyed seeing so much fanon about Bobby become canon, I have to wonder why, with Jensen directing, we got even LESS Sam than we did Dean. I don't mind at all that they were on the periphery - I mostly enjoyed the Bobby and Rufus and Sheriff and Crowley show very much, actually, but I feel like if they were going to give one brother all the lines, it should have been Sam. IJS. I did enjoy him finally telling Sam and Dean that despite what the angels and demons want them to think, they're NOT actually the center of the universe.

My big issue - AS ALWAYS - is that wow, we are back to showing absolutely no concern for the poor people the demons are wearing. What happened to "There's a girl in there," Bobby? I mean, I get that he's desperate, but some sense of regret over the poor woman he torched would have been nice.

As far as the MOTW - 1. if you're going to use a lamia, why not actually have it do what lamias do in mythology, which is steal children? and 2. of course, one of the few Asian women we ever see on the show is a monster. Sigh.

I did enjoy singing along to "The Gambler," and I thought the directing was fine - I don't know enough about it, but it seemed serviceable most of the time and interesting occasionally, which is all I really expect of my teevee shows.

I'm glad they didn't forget about Dean's fear of flying - it was my first thought when I saw them in Scotland.

Ugh. I am SO FUCKING OVER vampires, and have no desire to see Dean turned into one. If the show is going to keep making fanon into canon, I wish they'd pick fanon I actually like, like they did with Bobby this week, and with Lisa two weeks ago. ALSO, if there is a way to cure vampirism and they pull out all the stops for Dean... well, that just pisses me off on behalf of all the folks who've had their heads cut off, you know? And it leads me back to poor Madison (i know, not a vampire, but the issue is similar), who they couldn't take a few weeks to do some serious research for? Meh. Obviously, I have no idea how the episode will actually play out; I'm complaining pre-emptively, so there's no need to tell me to wait and see what happens.


For something that did make me squee and clap like a seal,
boomqueen's Kara vid: Boys Wanna Be Her. ZOMG YES! BECAUSE KARA THRACE >>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVERYONE ELSE!


Ahahahaha, and iTunes kicks in with a Sam Winchester theme song. Heh. *pets Sam*


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people have commented there.

starbuck is my tv girlfriend, tv: supernatural: episode-related, youtube

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