i did too much lying

Oct 14, 2010 22:41

too tired to do more than say, holy shit, Fringe. Which seems to be my reaction every week.

So is Peter playing Olivia now or what? I can't even tell. Though if he is, I really hope he puts the brakes on the sex. Sadly, I don't think he's going to, so I don't know! I thought he was warning her in the cafeteria there, but then again, maybe not! Maybe when I am less exhausted, I'll be able to tell. Sigh.

I love how Walter's brain works! Shapeshifters, like stegosauruses, have a second brain in their asses! YOU GUYS, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THAT MUCH AWESOME.

I'm sad that that's the end of Newton. He was a very enjoyable bad guy.

Also, you know I adore Broyles, but I'm not sure his behavior at the beginning was the smartest thing, tactically speaking. Maybe I'm just really tired, or maybe Broyles isn't that great a shot, but shouldn't he have just tried to shoot Newton in the head? He knows he's a shapeshifter and he knows that's how you kill them. Because before Newton grabbed the hostage, I think Broyles might have had a clear shot. Also, Broyles shooting him right between the eyes would have been hot. What, like you weren't thinking it, too. *scoffs*

This was a good ep, but I liked last week better. Fauxlivia is bothering me. I think it's the bangs. Or possibly how bad she is at being our Olivia.


My god, I'm tired. Maybe I will just go to bed now.

Oh, before I do, Bones was about a million times better this week than last week. As usual, I don't really care about the case, but I did enjoy David Alan Grier as the Science Dude and his interactions with Hodgins and Cam. also, Caroline is awesome. And Brennan was adorable at the end.

Okay, now I am going to sleep.


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people have commented there.

tv: fringe, tv: bones

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