he's not a boy that you can save

Oct 09, 2010 15:32

Random things on a Saturday afternoon:

+ I was supposed to go out to the island this weekend, but since I stayed late at work yesterday, I wasn't up for the extended off-peak version of the long commute, and then this morning when I woke up, my body and brain were in total agreement that I wasn't getting out of bed any time soon, so I'm home. I had to do some basic food shopping, as since I wasn't planning on being here, I finished off the food. While in the supermarket, I bought some fresh arugula because I want to make brown butter tortellini, and there was some chatter amongst the cashiers over how to charge it, since apparently nobody ever buys it fresh? I was like, "That's encouraging," and they laughed and said that no, you can buy it in a bag. Which I did not know. I don't even know if I like arugula (I don't think I like endive, but possibly I like escarole? Greens confuse me.) but anything that involves tortellini and brown butter is something I want to try. I'll post about it, I'm sure.

+ I also think I'm going to make more apple cider ice cream, because it really was the best ice cream I made. I bought some hard cider to I will use that in place of the applejack this time and see how that goes (and I will drink the rest. om nom nom woodchuck hard cider).

+ I got my hands on Teen Titans season 5 and also the movie, and uh, aside from the adorable Robin/Starfire storyline, the movie is kind of faily in really obvious ways. I cringed a lot. And season 5 was, I think, interesting and yet not very good. I mean, on the one hand, Kid Flash! ♥ And I did like the origin story episode. And Jinx. On the other hand, I don't really care about all those other characters, the Doom Patrol was mean to Beast Boy, the Evil League Brotherhood of Evil was dumb (bring back Slade if you want me to respect the bad guys. Seriously! That guy is awesome!), and then, in the last episode, Beast Boy turned into creepy stalker guy with amnesiac!Terra. *shudders*

So while the completist in me is glad I've now seen the whole thing, I think it really would have been better ending after the season 4 finale, which was so fantastic. Otoh, now that I've seen all the canon, maybe I will write the Raven/Robin/Starfire thing that's percolating in my head. I have a title... *facepalm*

Maybe I should have an icon. Hmm...

+ Speaking of Robins, as I seem to be doing a lot lately, talk to me about class issues and Jason Todd. Is it me or is there a lot of "the kid was a gutter rat and he was always going to go bad" subtext surrounding him? I feel like here's this kid who has been failed - and failed badly - by EVERY SINGLE ADULT IN HIS LIFE, and yet it seems like he gets blamed for what happened to him, and that the writers and fans (and possibly the characters? I don't know) want to retcon him into having always been a sociopath, which I don't think is true (and which I don't think is true even after he becomes the Red Hood, though I think he is definitely, um, a few fries short of a happy meal, and has made some seriously poor choices, but he's not untreatable and certainly not irredeemable [I still think Dick could fuck the sociopathy out of him]). And which seems to me to emanate from his origins as a street kid who had a two-bit criminal for a dad and apparently a junkie mom he had to care for on his own (? I'm not sure where I got this info or if it's even canon). (Not even getting into his birth-mother who sold him out and which is one of those things that I can ignore by taking the movie as my canon.) Which is a lot of classist bullshit, it seems to me.

+ Speaking of happy-go-lucky sociopaths (or not), surely someone's made an Alec vid to He's Not a Boy by The Like. If not, someone should.

Some lyrics:

We were up all night, talking trash and wasting time
When he says you're beautiful, it's not a line
But in the morning you might find that
he might have changed his mind
He can only fall in love for just one night

You see what I mean, right?


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/229249.html.
people have commented there.

hoods and birds, adventures in cooking, tv: dark angel, you should totally write that, tv: teen titans, i am okay with that!

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