the lies of mankind burn you up inside

Oct 08, 2010 22:09

Supernatural: The Third Man

Please give us more Dean/Lisa porn, show. I would have preferred an hour of that to this episode, which aside from Sebastian Roche, shirtless Sam, and a couple of nice Sam and Dean scenes ("My car." "Silver lining." Heh. though forget you, show, in my head canon, Dean's converted the Impala to run on biodiesel.), was a yawner.

Also, show, no, I don't think the police are going to just take the kid brother of a kid they killed home, and I wish Dean, who is the only one who seemed to actually care about what happened to the kid, had raised more of an objection to that.

I can't even tell you how little I care about heaven's civil war. Also, how is it that every single angel who's more than a lackey is STILL more interesting than Castiel? Bleh. Talk about taking an interesting premise (I kind of cackled with glee and went, "I'm melting, melting!" when cop #1 bought it.) and turning it into a snoozer. I mean, pillar of salt! Egyptian plagues! How did they manage to mess that up?

Also, also, do I even need to say how bored I am with yet another iteration of "Sam is wrong like a wrong wrong thing and he's lying and keeping secrets from Dean while Dean is the righteous man"? Good lord, what was the point of Sam stepping up to save the world if they were just going to regress him back to mid season 4?


Bored now.


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