we are tied in history

Sep 02, 2010 10:27

Come talk to me about The Hunger Games trilogy!


So there's nothing concrete yet, but allegedly, Kripke is involved in adapting Sandman for television.

My feelings when I read this last night were mixed, so I've been trying to sort them out via pros and cons.

+ Kripke gives good family dysfunction and Sandman is, on one level, a big old family melodrama
+ he did all right with Tessa, the Death knockoff in IMtoD and DTaH
+ Maybe we could convince him to cast Benedict Bandersnatch Cumberbatch as Morpheus
+ I have a feeling he'd do right by Lucien, Matthew and Mervyn, as well as The Corinthian
+ he clearly has no problem with incestuous subtext practically becoming text

- I don't trust him to handle Delirium well, let alone Despair, Lyta Hall, or, jebus help us, Desire
- I certainly don't trust him to get Thessaly
- Or Mazikeen
- Or Rose Walker
- I don't know if he gets that Morpheus' troubles stem from his own misogyny and short-sightedness; I love Morpheus, but let's face it, he's kind of an obnoxious asshole a lot of the time
- I don't trust him to not fridge or demote all the women, and if you do that, what you have left is a lot of untenable emo manpain, and also, no drivers for the story
- look at the fail of "Hammer of the Gods." Now, look at the DO NOT WANT face I'm making.
- would this be on the CW? Because no. A thousand times NO. Pay cable or nothing for this adaptation, man.

So basically right now it seems like a bad match to me, despite his self-proclaimed status as a Sandman fanboy. Obviously, this is way premature and more information would be needed if this actually happens, but while I am all, Sandman adaptation YAY! on one hand, on the other, I'd rather it not be done at all than be done badly (*cough*Earthsea*cough*).


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/212225.html.
people have commented there.

neil gaiman, kripke you bastard, comics: sandman

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