when i hopped fences

Aug 27, 2010 11:10

Man, is everyone on vacation today? The subway was nearly empty and there was hardly any crosstown traffic!

Sadly, because the LIRR is still running at less than full capacity, I've decided not to go out to the island this weekend, so I'm missing family beach day. It's a long enough trip when everything's working properly; I don't want to discover that they've once again cancelled the two trains that aren't ungodly early yet still get me to work by 9 again, as they have the past couple of days, and I don't want to deal with whatever limited service they institute on Sunday, either. When I go home on Sunday afternoons, I leave my parents' house at about 3:20 and I generally walk in my own front door between 5:30 and 5:45. I don't want to extend that trip even longer if I don't have to. There are two family bbqs next weekend, so I'll make it out for that.


Writing is hard.

And dammit, my usual system has failed me, because I did end up writing a couple of paragraphs last night, but then I didn't update my writing journal, and so I don't have the latest draft available here and both my bosses are out today! So there could be writing! Meh. I will have to muddle through somehow. I think I remember the gist of it, so I can always do a patch job later.

Have a poem:

A Christmas Carol: The New Musical Starring Christina Applegate

I was going to buy my niece My Girlfriend Just Loves to Fight
Barbie for Christmas, but my sister said she already has that one.

She has New Mexico Meth Addict Midge, too.

Why don't you just get her day of the week underwear?,
my sister said, and I was all, I don't think you can give

underwear at Christmas anymore without everyone thinking

you're sexually deviant. That's true, she said. And I don't
even know if I'll get to come visit you guys, I said, because

I still have to ask my parole officer if I can leave the state.

After I hung up the phone I went through all my boyfriend's
socks and threw away the ones without matches. He

was at work. He'd never know I'd done it. Then

I took some quarters out of the jar of change
we're saving to eventually move out of the desert

and walked to Walgreens to buy a pregnancy test.

Some day I'll look back on this time in my life
and invent a completely different story.

Some day I'll look back on this time in my life

and I will feel as if I am looking back at a time
in my life when I knew I would one day look back

at it. When my boyfriend called my cell phone

and said, Hey, what are you doing?, I lied.
I said I was on an airplane. He freaked out.

Stop freaking out, I said. I'm at Walgreens,

buying a pregnancy test. For your niece?,
he said. And then we lost the connection.

Some day I'll look back on this time in my life

and only remember one night, tonight, the night
my boyfriend came home with a box of wine

and a miniature schnauzer and for a few hours

we forgot we didn't have health insurance or
a car with a functioning clutch. Some day

I'll look back and think, I wish I was as happy

now as I was then, when I hopped fences
and lived in a state where I had no friends,

when I got pregnant and we stopped having sex.

~Leigh Stein


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people have commented there.


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