so let's be killers, babe

Jul 29, 2010 10:22

Sigh. We're having an "internet interruption" at work, which means everything loads excruciatingly slowly or not at all. I apologize if you get three copies of a comment from me, because that is how the servers are hiccuping and I just keep hitting resend until the thing loads. I also have no idea if this will actually post.

This makes me make that disapproving Marge Simpson noise low in my throat.


I'm amused that ranting about epithets never ever stops generating hilarious comments. D'you think people listening to Homer being recited 2500 years ago were rolling their eyes and going, "Enough with the epithets! If I hear 'rosy-fingered dawn' one more time..."?


Let's do a wsip roundup. These are the stories currently open on my computer (at home) (all titles and other information subject to change, depending):

+ (All Things Go) To Recreate Us
Post-Swan Song Dean POV story. Possibly will require a companion piece from Sam's POV (possibly titled "Too long in exile").

+ Do You Read Me?
Five (or more?) ways Sam and Dean communicate.

+ untitled story that might end up folded into "Nothing but winter in my cup," though the untitled bits are kind of slice-of-life-y and the other is an early-mid s5 casefiley thing, so who knows?

+ Don't Marry Her, Fuck Me
idtastic girl!Sam story in which Dean sleeps around and Sam is ridiculously jealous. obviously. (one of the many, many ways Dean Winchester slept with his (non-existent) sister)

+ Miss You All Wrong
another girl!Sam story, this one set in and around season 5, from 5.04 through 5.10, I think (I haven't fully decided); this one is part of beggars.

+ The Rubber Ducky Ratiocination Done!
I think this one can be summed up with the, uh, summary, "Everybody needs a bathtime buddy, Dubbie!" Since angelgazing won't write it for me, I have to do it myself. Sigh. My life, so hard.

+ People in Masks Cannot Be Trusted
So inappropriately schmoopy that I will have to flee fandom and change my name if I post it as it appears to be unfolding currently. So this is what shame feels like, huh? I'd mostly forgotten.

I don't know what it says about me that I'm more embarrassed by the inappropriately and ludicrously schmoopy Dick/Jason than the idtastic genderswitch hetcest AU, but sixty miles away, my mother was just overcome by an inexplicable urge to facepalm and wonder where she went so wrong with me.

Other things that have been opened recently enough to still be in the Recent Documents list, but are not currently open at the moment:

+ The aforementioned "Nothing but winter in my cup," which I started way back after 5.02, and kept getting overtaken or stymied by canon. The original casefile idea needs revamping. Also, possibly I will be folding in those untitled bits, so who knows what's going to happen with this?

+ With Cake in Your Pocket
Alec woos Max with heists! I kind of hate everything I've got written on this right now. Sigh.

+ Manchester
Sam and Dean do a salt and burn in an old churchyard in New Hampshire and get apprehended by the Secret Service. This was mostly so Abbey Bartlet could snark at and mother them. I don't know where it's going or how it's going to get there, but I think it could be hilarious.

+ and wait for love to turn the metal into bone
BSG AU where Kara is Daniel's daughter and the first true human/cylon hybrid. I open this one, stare at it, and then close it again, because oy, too much canon to figure out how to tweak. I think I might have a way around that, but I can't quite make it work and it frustrates me to no end.

+ The Pontoon Profligacy
Dean Winchester and Wendy Watson fight zombies, make pop culture references, and fuck.

+ Untitled SPN/CM crossover where Penelope Garcia is a BNF in the online Supernatural (book) fandom, until she realizes the books are mirroring reality a little closer than she ever expected. (the file is called "Penelope Garcia Sekrit BNF")

+ A Haunting at the Breakers
This is the result of fleurdeleo and me going to the Breakers for cocktails while on vacation, and her desire to see Sam and Dean there, and also to have them interact with the chatty old ladies we dealt with in our time in Palm Beach. Possibly they will have to play canasta.

+ The Art of Losing
Peter Bishop and all the little things that may or may not be true about his relationship with his parents. I have to say, the Fringe s2 finale put a pin in my desire to write Fringe fic, at least until uh, certain things are resolved. So I don't know when this will get done, if ever.

+ This Is Not My Beautiful Life
companion piece to "Double Vision" and "Like a Nursery Rhyme in Braille" in which canon!Sam wakes up in the girl!Sam universe. AU!Dean is...disgruntled, to put it mildly.

Wow. That is a lot of stories. I generally don't like to give that much information about the stories I'm working on, but eh, at this point, who knows if they'll ever get finished?


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writing: wsip, i am okay with that!

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