Look at the gorgeous Joseph Gordon-Levitt icon
angelgazing made for me! Talk about a GQMF. keyword: jealous of your cigarette. Because who wouldn't be?
So apparently I'm doing that thing where I put together a playlist for my new obsession, even though I have no real plans to write anything else *cough*, so here are ten songs that in the past week have made me think of Jason or Dick/Jason. *hands* I don't even know anymore. I'm just gonna go with it.
Terrible Lie - NIN
hey god, why are you doing this to me?
am I not living up to what I'm supposed to be?
why am I seething with this animosity?
hey god, I think you owe me a great big apology
Down in it - NIN
I used to have something inside
now just this hole that's open wide
I used to want it all
I used to be somebody
I'll Be You - The Replacements
And if it's just a game
Then we'll break down just in case
Then again, I'll tell you what we could do
You be me for a while
You be me for a while
and I'll be you
Nice New Outfit - Fugazi
you like the cut, you like the fit,
wide in the shoulders, trim at the hips.
what a nice new outfit, all straight clean lines.
there's blood in your mouth, but not in mine.
A Small Victory - Faith No More
The small victories
The cankers and medallions
The little nothings
They keep me thinking
That someday
I might beat you
But I'll just keep my mouth shut
Poison Years - Bob Mould
And every time you knock me down
It's all that I can do to get up off the ground
The Bitter End - Placebo
Every step we take that's synchronized
Every broken bone
Reminds me of the second time
That I followed you home
Cuts You Up - Peter Murphy
You know the way it throws about.
It takes you in and spits you out
It spits you out when you desire
to conquer it, to feel you're higher
Kiss with a Fist - Florence + the Machine
a kick in the teeth is good for some
a kiss with a fist is better than none
Trigger Happy Jack - Poe
but there's nothing more sadistic than an infant
waving his pistol in my face
he wants me right down on my knees
crumbling with disgrace
All Because of You - u2
I'm not broke but you can see the cracks
You can make me perfect again
I'm also doing that thing where I'm reading stories that are four or five years old and feeling awkward leaving comments on them, but doing it anyway because I know how awesome it is to get comments on an old story. I hope other people feel that way, too.
It's very weird having so little knowledge of canon, and yet being fascinated by the bits of canon I do know and how I can fit them together, like the whole thing about how Jason keeps adopting other people's identities, and what that means.
I probably need a tag for this. Sigh. *fails to come up with anything pithy or clever* Suggestions?
I also find it kind of interesting how Jensen keeps playing these parts where he walks the fine line between woobie and sociopath. I have to say, as much as I'd like to see him in a comedy or rom com, he does give good sociopath.
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