down in the canyon

Jul 23, 2010 10:48

bullet points, since I am feeling kind of scattered this morning:

- There were Jonases in my dreams last night, people. I blame you guys. DO NOT WANT!

β Is there a reason there's no option to click on memories in the DW menus? Wouldn't it make sense to have under "Read" or "Organize" (or even "Explore")? I don't understand why I always have to go to my profile page to get there. (Yes, yes, the memories system is antiquated and nobody uses, except for me - I occasionally do use it for DW-specific things that I don't feel a need to bookmark on delicious - and having to do extra clicking to get there is annoying.)

? Why do people split their posted-all-at-once stories into separate posts on DW? A DW post can hold up to ~40,000 words. The WHOLE POINT* of posting long stories here is that they can be ALL ONE ENTRY without having to link between them etc. And don't give me any nonsense about chapters and the reading experience, because a few *** between sections works for me. Bah. Some of us prefer reading things in one long post! Crossposting allows for both the separate posts (on LJ) and one long post (on DW) options, so why wouldn't you offer that to your readers? I do not understand.

(*I exaggerate)

§ I feel like something bit my left eye - it's all tender and hurty, but not actually swollen and I can't see a bite mark, so I don't know what's up with that.

USA is planning a Burn Notice prequel about Sam. Woo!

❖ Other amusing Comic-Con news includes Joss and JJ doing a panel together (I will wait for the internet to tell me if there was anything really funny or interesting said, as watching the two of them be smug together would probably result in a spike in my desire to kill people, which is always already pretty high); Matt Nix et al. challenging Jeff Eastin et al. to a game of paintball; and Curt Schilling informing the world that there are about 45 MLB players who have their own World of Warcraft League, but their agents want them to keep it on the downlow. I don't know why I'm so amused at the idea that being a gaming geek is apparently bad for the image of MLB, but I really, really am. (I mean, seriously, is there a game more inclined to attract stats nerds than baseball? I think not.) On a more serious note, how much do I love the counter-protests? SO SO MUCH!

➞ Speaking of cosplayers, a man dressed as Darth Vader robbed a bank in Setauket yesterday. This comes a few days after the arrest of a guy who brought flowers to the banks he robbed. You guys, I don't even know! Truth really is stranger than fiction, y/y?

€ Work yesterday was hectic and frantic, but the meeting went well, and I learned a couple of things I hadn't known, like the fact that the Title X family planning program and the WIC program were put in place by the Nixon administration, with almost no controversy. I kind of can't wrap my head around the fact that a fairly conservative Republican administration put Title X into effect. I mean, Nixon, guys! WTF? I know those were different times, but still! My world is askew!

∞ I posted fic last night:

Killing the fatted calf
Under the Red Hood; Dick/Jason; adult; 1,750 words
Jason shoves Dick and Dick shoves back.

I was probably more nervous about posting this story than I have been about anything since the first few stories I ever posted. I'm not the kind of fan who is comfortable writing in a fandom until I feel reasonably confident I know ALL the canon (or as much canon as anyone can know at any given time, for an ongoing source).

With XMM, it was okay that I didn't know 40 years of comics backstory, because the movie (I only wrote fic for the first movie; the other two don't really exist in my mind) was clearly an alternate universe from the comics. I mean, I did learn a bunch of comics canon in the course of my three years writing in that fandom, but it was always kind of icing, you know? And with Smallville, again, it was a canon AU where I didn't need to know much more than I already did about Clark Kent. If I ever write more Iron Man fic, or if I ever do get around to writing Spider-Man (I feel kind of awful that I haven't written any Spider-Man fic, as he really is my favorite superhero ♥), the same thing would be true, because it will all be movieverse, which is clearly separate from comicverse canon. And I have had the notion that I might someday write some Nolanverse Batfic, probably Alfred/Lucius or Bruce/Harvey Dent or maybe something about Jim Gordon (♥) - I offered it at
yuletide, back when it was eligible.

And you know, I know exactly how this looks - I watched the movie because Jensen was in it (and I was bored and in need of entertainment), and that's exactly the kind of thing that gets up the noses of people who are already in a fandom. Believe me, I understand. So I was incredibly anxious, because I was writing based on a seventy minute movie and
tripoli's background post, and whatever I've picked up by osmosis over the years from the DCU fans on my flist.

But I haven't felt that driven to write (I stayed up Wednesday night until 2 am to finish the story!) in a while. None of my wsip are really inspiring that in me right now, though if I do get on a roll I tend to go with it. So it was awesome to have that excitement as I was writing, even as I was terrified I was totally not getting the characters right. And they don't really even interact in the movie, so I was kind of blindsided by how much I was shipping them after I watched. My slash goggles are not usually that sensitive. *snerk*

Anyway, I'm happy with how it turned out, and pleased that other people seem to like it. Thank you! now I can go read the stories people recced me, since I won't be too worried about being unduly influenced by them. And if anyone is still interested in writing some snarky, bantery Dick/Jason where they beat each other up and then have sex, I am still very much interested in reading it. *g*


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writing: neuroses, girl of random thoughts, writing: my stories, work, hoods and birds, joss, canon v. fanon, tv: burn notice, dreams, i am okay with that!

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