you tangle my emotions

Jun 30, 2010 23:56

I mentioned in the 30 days of TV meme that The Magic Garden was my favorite childhood show, and in the interests of nostalgia, when I got home from work tonight, I looked up some of the songs from it, like the Story Box theme and the closing theme. Should it scare me that I still remember all the words?

And then, listed along the sidebar in the related features column, were all the songs the Brady kids sang, so I had to watch those. And possibly I remembered a lot of the words to them, as well (especially to Keep On, for which I might be earwormed FOREVER, but there's also Sunshine Day and Time to Change). You guys, it was like RELIVING MY CHILDHOOD!

Dom and I used to watch the Brady Bunch EVERY DAY after school, even though technically we were not allowed to watch television before dinner (all his fault), but since our mother worked, she wasn't home to know. We also watched a lot of I Love Lucy and The Partridge Family, and late at night, Star Trek (TOS) (11 pm - 12 am) and The Honeymooners (12 am - 12:30 am) on channel 11. Sundays at 11:30 am was Abbott and Costello movies. Oh, and there was the 4:30 movie every day on ABC. We loved Planet of the Apes week especially.

We didn't have cable. We had three major networks, three local stations (on which most of those reruns ran in syndication), and channel 13 (i.e., PBS). Things were different then.

Anyway. In repayment for foisting the Bradys on you, I will also steal a meme from
snacky and do the FANMIX MEME:

Come give me a character/show/pairing/etc and I'll give you a song! (If you're lucky, I might give you two or three!)

You'll have to wait for tomorrow night, since I can't upload music at work, and if I don't know or don't like the character/show/pairing, I might ask you for another suggestion (or you might get a song that expresses my feelings about it), but I think this could be fun!

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tv: miscellaneous, we make our own fun, memes: fannish, fanmixes, memes: music, youtube, i am okay with that!

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