a shove-you-down and push-you-'round town

Jun 29, 2010 16:34

So there's this SPN s6 casting spoiler. Mitch Pileggi is coming back as Grandpa Campbell.

Now, you know I love me some Mitch Pileggi, and I thought he was excellent both as Samuel Campbell and as Azazel, and as with so many things relating to SPN, by itself, this sounds like a great idea. More family info, especially about Mary's family! Yay!

However, in the context of everything else the show has done, my reaction is a big old HELL NO!

I want to say, why not Deanna Campbell instead, but aside from the show never deigning to actually bring back a dead woman, I get the metatextual reasons - you want Mitch Pileggi on your genre show. He has fans and those fans might tune in. So I understand it, even as it really irritates the hell out of me.

That brings our total of resurrected characters to

Men: 6
(Sam, Dean, John, Bobby, Castiel (x2, for fuck's sake!), Samuel Campbell)

Women: 0
(Ruby and Meg don't count, as being exorcised is not the same as being killed and resurrected; Anna wasn't killed in Heaven and Hell, she was disembodied, and her body was reconstituted, not revived)

I mean, on the one hand, do I think it's better that the show stay a big old white boy sausage fest? Yes, if only because that way the fail is implicit and I don't have to brace for it every time a female character I like shows up; it is what it is, which is a white male sausage fest.

On the other hand, I am so fucking tired of this bullshit, both from the show itself and from the fans who argue that the show doesn't have any gender or race problems. If you want to argue that, please do not do so in my journal, because you're wrong, and I will tell you you're wrong in no uncertain terms. I can brace myself for the show's fail to some degree, because I expect it, and the show is what it is, despite my constant forlorn hope that it be better than that. Getting that bullshit from fandom, though, just makes me want to burn the internet down.

So, you know, there's that.


I posted fic yesterday!

you'll be someone you wouldn't understand
Supernatural; Dean; spoilers through 5.22; pg; warnings: suicidal ideation, 2nd person POV; 2,238 words
This is your life now.

It was pretty much a joy to write, too. I think my current issue with writing is that almost all of my wsip have huge plotty things in them, and I am just not good at those kinds of things - they take me a long time to figure out and even longer to actually write and they suck a lot of the joy out of writing for me, because I spend way too much time fretting and not enough time just writing. I get in my own way an awful lot.

This, otoh, was right up in my wheelhouse. 2K words of introspection about grief! In second person! I think anyone who's ever read a story by me could have picked this out of a lineup blindfolded as my work, and I'm okay with that. I especially like the style, because the short declaratives were very definitely a choice, and I think it works. I mean, I don't know what other people think, but it does what I wanted it to do when I started writing it, which is the what I hope for when I sit down to write a story. (Hoping it works for other people happens when I post it, which is ... not quite the same thing.)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/186227.html.
people have commented there.

tv: supernatural: spoilers, writing: my stories, don't make me shoot you, tv: supernatural: meta, just a typical prototype

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