strange new creatures to scavenge your pores

Jun 08, 2010 12:53

I got my period yesterday afternoon. I knew, when I woke up yesterday morning and my boobs had stopped hurting, that yesterday was the day, but it took its own sweet time finally showing up. Ugh.

But that also explains why I was able to write 2100 words of girl!Sam porn yesterday in a very short time, plus about 300 words on another story. I don't know why I have such a hard time writing during PMS, but I've been paying attention long enough now to know that I totally do, and that once my period arrives, that difficulty lessens significantly.

can't erase that secret smile
Supernatural; girl!Sam/Dean; adult; 2,180 words
It's no panties Thursday.

Anyway, this was an idea I'd been kicking around since I started writing girl!Sam, and for some reason, I decided yesterday was finally the time to write it. If I had been more on the ball yesterday, I would have realized it should be set around Tall Tales, but even though I knew I was going for that mid-late s2 feeling, it didn't occur to me until later that I should have tried to tie it in with that. Oh well, mostly it's context-free porn, and that's okay too. I like how it turned out, and since I'm writing girl!Sam for myself and the four other people who like her, that's what's important.

I also updated the index of girl!Sam fic to put this one on there, and apparently I have written 26 girl!Sam stories, and something like 130K words about her overall, including a 46K word story that spawned 15 related stories, a 17K word Regency AU, and seven other unrelated standalones of varying length (one of which actually has a sequel).

I've given up trying to figure it out. I just know I like it. *hands*


Every other post on my flist lately has been about Fringe and how awesome it is, so I started watching it this weekend. I still have moments of cognitive dissonance because it's Lt. Daniels, Pacey, Denethor, and Joe Toye all in one place (and I did go "Aw," when Jen's gran showed up in that one episode and interacted with Pacey), but no, people are pretty much right on the money. There is a lot of awesome, and I'm only two episodes into season 2, so no spoilers, please, but I am enjoying it a lot.

Before I get into specifics (though if you know me and you know the show, I imagine you know what specific is going to be mentioned first), I will say two things:

1. if you know anything about science, please check your knowledge at the door, as you won't be needing it. Instead, please stock up on Handwavium (per
cereta). You'll have fewer, "Wait, what? What?" moments that way. it also helps to keep point number 2. in mind.

2. It's a JJ Abrams show, which means the mytharc will never make sense, so don't spend time trying. It's all just Rambaldi's big red ball. See point one re: Handwavium. Just pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

And yes, I do see similarities with Alias - Olivia has moments where she reminds me of Sydney, and not just the... okay, I should probably cut for spoilers now. but similarities to Alias are not bad things! I really loved the first two seasons, and enjoyed most of the third. Anyway.


Okay, I knew that going in; I'd been spoiled for a couple major things just by osmosis - and in the case of the WTC showing up, I'm kinda glad I was, because otherwise I think that would have been a huge gutpunch, seeing the towers like that - but still, ROBOCLAW! AND RIBCAGE OF KEVLAR apparently! SO FUCKING AWESOME! NINA SHARP FOR THE WIN! (even if I don't like her lipstick sometimes; don't wear lipstick that gives you Muppet mouth, Nina! You're too awesome for that!) Her agenda appears to be complex, and I am down with that. I will probably still love her if she turns out to be EEEEEEEVIL through and through, though.

-> Olivia Dunham is BAD ASS. (though I didn't like that in the first two episodes of season 2, Peter rescues her twice; I don't think that happens at all in season 1; I guess her injuries make it slightly more palatable, but please, go back to the way she rescued her own damn self in earlier episodes. That was AWESOME.)

I could have done without the whole sleeping with her partner/duped by him/no wait, he's a hero thing (if we'd had to have it, I would have preferred him actually being a bad guy, personally), but other than that, I kind of love her a lot. And did from the moment she said to Pacey Peter, "Call me sweetheart again. I really like that." Also, she wears sensible underwear and ties her hair back in a ponytail, both of which are highly sensible in her profession. Also, I like her lipstick a lot.

-> Peter! I like how he functions in the usual "girl" role, he's the support and the emotional one etc. etc. Also, he's Pacey! (He bought her a wall!) I would not mind coming to work and looking at him every day. (Though I wish he would stop running around into dangerous situations unarmed. It's bad enough Olivia goes in without backup. DUDE, YOU ARE NOT EVEN ARMED WITH A FLASHLIGHT! DON'T GO IN THERE!)

-> Charlie! ♥♥♥♥♥ I am so upset that Charlie is dead! I was on AIM with amberlynne and I was like, "I heard Kirk Acevedo left the show! I DO NOT WANT CHARLIE TO DIE!" and she made some noncommittal sounds about waiting and seeing, but OMG I DO NOT WANT CHARLIE TO DIE BUT HE IS DEAD! THIS MAKES ME SAD. *sad!vic has sadhair* I love how supportive Charlie is of Olivia (I am amused that the show can't seem to keep the agencies and chain of command straight in the early episodes, but whatever; Charlie is Lt. Daniels' Agent Broyles' second in command, or possibly he's Olivia's new partner in s1; either way, I can dig it, because CHARLIE IS AWESOME), how she says, "I need X, Y, and Z," and he's like, *baffled look* "Okay." And he makes it happen! I was totally shipping Charlie/me until his wife showed up in the icky scorpion monster episode where he gets knocked up with icky scorpion monster larvae.

-> Broyles! I like how you can tell they hadn't quite decided what to do with him in the pilot, because wow, he's a dick to Olivia, but then he turned into Skinner the stern but supportive boss, which is a role that suits him. And I was totally right about him and Nina Sharp being an item at some point! She kissed him! DUDE! You are officially BAD ASS if you are making the smoochies with NINA SHARP. She has a ROBOT ARM, you know.

-> Astrid! ♥ I wish they would give Astrid more to do. I wish Walter would fucking remember her name, at least. Astrid needs to get out of the lab and BE AWESOME with Olivia. She's clearly capable of much awesome; the show just needs to let her shine. also, she's so pretty!

-> Walter! Wow, have they made him sympathetic, even as I kind of recoil in horror for some of the shit he's done. Excellent work, because on the one hand, he is massively fucked up and I feel terrible for him and have enjoyed watching him come back to himself somewhat as the show has gone on, and start to repair his relationship with Peter etc., but on the other hand, OH WALTER NO, in terms of experimenting on humans and kids and having a hand in kicking this whole thing off. (also, sometimes when he speaks, I think, "Go now and die in what way seems best to you." and I snicker.)

-> I'm guessing at some point they're going to start shipping Olivia/Peter on the show, and I'm okay with that. I enjoy their friendship/partnership, but wouldn't mind seeing them getting it on. I just hope they don't do some weird triangle thing with Rachel, because that would be icky, and I couldn't quite tell if they were going there or not. Also, more backstory on Peter's con artist days would be nice.

-> amberlynne assures me that Rambaldi doesn't show up (or hasn't so far) in any capacity, but I will laugh and laugh if he ever does.

I really enjoy all the character interactions and relationships, and I'm entertained by, if not enmeshed in, the mytharc stuff, and I really like Olivia, Peter, and Walter. Good call, flist. Please to be linking me to your thoughts, if you have them, so I can read after I've seen the whole series and don't have to worry about spoilers. Possibly I should get an icon. Where might I find such a thing?


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girl of random thoughts, tv: fringe, girl!sam

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