tell me how do you live broken-hearted

May 19, 2010 15:18

I'm prepping for a committee meeting tomorrow, and a board meeting and benefit gala in two weeks. In addition, I have somehow become involved in the production of the video for the gala. On top of that, I'm trying to corral late remixers and pinch hitters and write my own pinch hit, and I have half a dozen 5.22 coda ideas that are trying to climb out of my brain if I could just stop for one minute and write. I haven't been getting enough sleep and I haven't looked at my Google reader in a week, and I'm so far behind on answering comments and email that I'd probably stop talking to myself if I weren't the only person I have to talk to. I apologize for the complete lack of anything interesting in this space lately, though I know some of you do enjoy reading about my modly rages.

Once remix is squared away, I think things will be better; though the work stuff will still be crazy-making, at least it will only be on one front that I have to deal with people blowing their deadlines (and the extended deadlines I've graciously extended them) and then lying through their teeth about it to me, as if I didn't know they were lying liefaces who lie.

Also, possibly I will get more than four hours a night of sleep. Meh.

June 3rd, why are you not here yet?


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all shall love me and despair, work

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