the whole up with satan thing

May 13, 2010 22:43

I made fleurdeleo meet me at the bar for beer and nachos so I would be fortified for SPN.

Supernatural: Swan Song


I don't even know what to do with that ending. I just... There was so much that worked for me but that ending.... All I really wanted was Sam and Dean together at the end, and that was the one thing I didn't get. I mean, yellow crayon moment - check! Castiel and Bobby get killed - check! Stull cemetery (I thought he'd forgotten that) - check! Michael going into the pit with Lucifer - check (though I expected that to be Dean and not Adam)! Lucifer quoting Star Wars - check!

So Kripke thinks he's god? And he broke up with fandom? He certainly does have virgin/whore issues.

THE IMPALA! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I was so afraid the car was going to be destroyed. I said to
snacky and mousapelli that I wasn't watching next season if they destroyed the car. But the car saved them! The soldier in the ashtray! ♥

I still don't know if I can watch next year. I mean, I have a story I started to write, that I want to write, that picks up in a very similar situation, where Dean sort of settles down after averting the apocalypse and Sam keeps moving, and they don't see each other for a while, until they come back together to hunt, because you know where Sam and Dean belong? TOGETHER.

I'm not even an OTP Sam/Dean shipper - I'm okay with Dean hooking up with Lisa. What I'm not okay with is SAM NOT BEING THERE. And Sam better not be evil. I can't do another season of evil!Sam or "we don't trust Sam" or "Sam came back wrong" or "everything Sam does is wrong but nobody else gets called on their apocalypse-starting shit." That better be Sam restored because God feels like he got fucked over enough. And of course, Sam is going to walk away because he wants Dean to have the normal apple pie life, but Dean doesn't want it without Sam!

I loved that Dean let Sam make the decision, that he realized he had some growing up to do as well. I loved that Dean went after Sam, so he wouldn't die alone. I loved the dialogue between Lucifer and Michael, if only because it was completely predictable and yet in the satisfying way. I LOVED the Montage of the Epic Love Story of Sam and Dean. Sigh.

I loved that Lucifer quoted Charlie Daniels. That Dean showed up and we got that awesome yellow crayon moment which I guess in this case is a toy soldier moment. I thought Jared did a great job.

I just... I think it was good that I had those couple of pints, because I got teary but I was too mellow to sob, and I have a feeling I would have been sobbing otherwise.

I don't even know.




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