you look like you've seen a ghost

May 12, 2010 22:15

I have to say, I haven't been really enthusiastic about this season of Criminal Minds. Except for the Foyet episodes, it's been kind of meh overall in terms of character interaction and development. And then there was tonight.

OH MY GOD, MORGAN/GARCIA=OTP!!!!111eleventy!

I was actually crying at the end of the episode when they told each other they kind of loved each other and he promised to protect her every day of his life. Christ on a bicycle, why couldn't they have just leaned in and kissed there? (I know, I know, but the heart wants what it wants, and I can't help it! I ship them in totally gooey unironic fashion.)

Also there was a case, which was mostly eh, but Hotch! Hotch was all commanding and in charge and Hotch-like. Hotch! ♥ And Reid was more Reid-like than he's been for a while (he was last week, too), plus there was JJ, Prentiss and Garcia hanging out together, which is always ♥.

But mostly I am all, MORGAN/GARICA=OTP!!!! *draws sparkly pink hearts around them*

And now I am kind of forlornly pining for Life, which used to come on Wednesday nights at ten. And also Pushing Daisies, another Wednesday night show that died too soon. Sigh.


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