our tuxedos are only black ink, white paper

Apr 01, 2010 11:54

this first part is xposted from remixers_lounge:

Signups are officially closed.

We've got 280 people this year! Woo!

If you're one of the people who volunteered to help with eligibility checks, emails should start going out later today with lists of names for you to check, so keep an eye on your inbox. (The email will be from the remixredux gmail account.)

You can still join the pinch hitters mailing list so that when those drop out emails come in (and you know they will), you can write a remix, even if you haven't signed up for this year's challenge. (Or, for those of you who are participating, a second remix.) (Otoh, if you do drop out, it's unlikely that we will assign you a pinch hit, even if you volunteer for it.)

Remember, if you need to bail, do it early, and don't forget to let us know!

We hope to have all the assignments out by April 8th, so you'll be hearing from us soon.


I do not like April Fools Day, but I do like that it is now National Poetry Month (in the US), which means I can spam you with poetry and not feel like I need to apologize for it. (sometimes I wonder if this is how my dad felt on Sunday afternoons when he tried to instill "culture" in us and we wanted no part of it, especially if it involved opera.)

I think this year I'm going to mix in some stuff I've posted in the past along with some stuff I've never posted before. I have a file in Word that's 275 pages long, and that's just stuff I've never posted (along with a second, 150 page file, of stuff I've posted already, not to mention separate national poetry month files, and yes, I realize I may have a problem), and I also have a tag in my delicious for poetry journals and such, and I also harvest poems from various LJ comms, so I'll try not to make it all Richard Siken all the time or anything. *snerk*

ANYWAY. A poem for today:

It is Easy to Wake Up in Someone Else's Poem

the way prodigies awake in paintings
of sunflowers and lily ponds.

But we do not wear the skin of geniuses,
sometimes I lose the checkbook for days

or the note with the phone message
I jotted down while eating egg rice,

using head and eye gestures
to tell my toddler not to slide pennies

in the CD player, to take
the Venetian beads off the cat.

These are my daily poems, life falling
around me on scrap paper-my sister cries

because her new English cottage is without
its antique lightning rod, my other sister

gleeful her doublewide came furnished.
God sets us in boats and pushes us onto the lake

of perspective. It's easy to ignore the narrator
while he rests on shore in a white flannel robe

forgetting we will wake from the page,
that our tuxedos are only black ink, white paper.

~Kelli Russell Agodon


Work is getting busier. I may take tomorrow off in spite of that. I already have Monday off, but man, my weekends are not long enough, especially when they're filled with family crap and I have no time to get my own stuff done.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/149762.html.
people have commented there.

national poetry month 2010, poetry, remix admin, diary of a mad mod

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