i might turn myself inside out

Mar 31, 2010 11:33

247 people signed up for remix! You have about 12 hours and 45 30 minutes (give or take) left to sign up! Especially if you qualify in Sherlock Holmes! We need you! And I'd like to hit at least 250 participants this year!

Do it for Johnny Remix!


I discovered, after two days of torrential rain, that every pair of boots I own has holes in them. As they are all over two years old (and in some cases, more like 4 or 5 years old), this shouldn't be surprising, and yet, when my feet were soaked (more than once), I was, in fact, surprised. Sigh. I guess I should investigate new boots (I feel like, given their age and state of disrepair, tracking down a shoemaker to fix things would be for the most part useless).


There was fic last night!

The Life of Umbrellas
Supernatural; girl!Sam/Dean; adult; au; no spoilers; 1,910 words
It's an accident that Dean even finds out when he does. Of course, the whole thing is technically an accident, so that shouldn't surprise him.

If I still had shame, I would probably be ashamed, as this is pure, unadulterated, schmoopy id-fic. *hands* I just want to read about Jensen Ackles' characters knocking women up (though I have yet to write any Max/Alec baby shenanigans, possibly because Dark Angel fandom is full of godawful stories where they have sex once and Max gets pregnant, you can be sure that it will happen someday). Dean, especially, as I would love to see Dean be a dad. I think he could be really good at it.

After I wrote Full Disclosure, I felt bad that Dean had missed out on so much of Johnny's life (and Sam's pregnancy), even though that's part of the point of a secret baby story. But I told myself that I wasn't going to write the non-sekrit incest baby story, because it was too self-indulgent and schmoopy even for me. But apparently yesterday I hit the point where I stopped caring about that. Heh. Given that work is probably going to be crazy in April and May, and remix is already making me crazy, it's possible I will hit that point again and write some sequels. *snerk* Dean, dealing with Sam's pregnancy hormones! Dean with a tiny fussy baby. Or a toddler. Or a little girl! (I think it would have to be a girl, though I haven't decided yet.) I feel there is much potential for awesome hilarity and schmoop there.

I did like that I was able to work in references to Beggars Would Ride (and I think Sam's memories of Ames, Iowa are a little more fraught than Dean's) and Amid the Bruises and the Red Lights (I was going to have Sam bring it up, but then Dean did, so she didn't have to), but I don't think you need to have read either of those for the story to work. I mean, if you are into stories where Sam is a girl who gets knocked up by her brother etc. etc. It is a very small niche, I know. *snerk* I try to do that with all of them - they're related, and if you've read them there's a lot of referring going on, but if you haven't, they should all still work as stories. I dunno. *shrug*

Anyway. I have a lot of love for the poem that I stole the title from. I think I've posted it before, but maybe not? In any case, it seemed fitting for the story. Here it is:

The Life of Umbrellas

I want to live the life of umbrellas,
full of sudden openings, of stealth and travel.

To sometimes fold my bat wing heart away
and reach over your head
to close you in a bubble.
On the path across the Ponte Vecchio
in light drizzle, I would parasail you, keeping out
the scorch of a moghul-arched cloud,
the rattle of a strong gust. I might turn
inside out, becoming the reverse
of myself, and you could follow,
unsuiting as fast as gypsy fingers
find a pocket on a March day
in a square dotted with drops.

~Rachel Dacus


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/149326.html.
people have commented there.

sekrit incest baby, writing: my stories, poetry, my life so hard, i am okay with that!

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