now you wanna use duct tape

Feb 04, 2010 22:31

I got home from my work thing (at Roc - it was very tasty) just in time to watch SPN.

Supernatural: The Song Remains the Same

I... there was so much to love about this episode, but it was tainted by Anna's turn as a villain, and yet more racefail. 1978!Uriel didn't need to be black just because 2009!Uriel was black. And yet, if Castiel had died, it totally would have mitigated the fail for me, and not just because I don't like him, but because it would honestly show that everyone is in danger, not just the women and black men.

And then there's the major plot problem: hi, Anna, instead of being all KILL SAM WINCHESTER and when that doesn't work, being all, KILL MARY WINCHESTER, maybe you show up back in 1978, make Mary miscarry and make her infertile in the process. Nobody needs to know and nobody ever finds out! It's clean and quiet and effective.

I mean, Michael still would have shown up and reversed all your hard work, but he did that anyway, so, you know, try to think creatively instead of being all FASTER PUSSYCAT KILL KILL all the time.

I love that she blamed Castiel for what was rightfully his fault - narcing on her and sending her back to heaven, but I would also wish someone who isn't painted as evil would call Castiel on his asshattery and hypocrisy. I'm glad that they had him say he was Sam's friend, but man, if we have to be stuck with him, maybe we should see them interacting once in a while. I'm just sayin'.

ANYWAY. As I said, there was still SO MUCH TO LOVE OMG:

♥ "Don't make me turn this car around!" "Awkward family road trip." *dies* And you KNOW that was ridiculously familiar to Sam and Dean. ♥
♥ Sam and Mary. "You're so beautiful!" I loved how freaked out he was through the whole thing.
♥ Sam and John. "I never got to tell him I understand him. I forgive him. I love him." I didn't actually cry, but I did tear up and get all achy in the chestal area. See, show, this is how you make me like the anvils you're raining down on my head! You used to do this with great regularity. Please start doing it again.
♥ Dean and Mary. She sang "Hey Jude" instead of lullabies! She made him tomato rice soup. Oh God, I love any and all Dean/Mary Dean and Mary interaction.
♥ Dean and John. "You reminded me of my dad." I was skeptical of the actor in "In the Beginning." I mean, he was okay, but since it was a Mary-focused ep, I didn't really care that I wasn't feeling him as John, but in this one, I thought he knocked it out of the park.
♥ I KNEW MICHAEL WOULD POSSESS JOHN. I mean, I was spoiled that Michael would show up in this episode, so early on, I was like, "Somehow, Michael is going to possess John!" and lo, he did. (I am less thrilled with the idea that the bloodline goes back to Cain and Abel. I choose to believe he meant that metaphorically.)
♥ Michael!John and Dean. Michael the good son, following dad's orders to the end, despite still loving Lucifer, and Dean telling him that was a dead end road.
♥ the Mary-Anna throwdown. Terminator much? (Okay, it made me really miss Sarah Connor Chronicles, and man, I would totally have loved to see Julie McNiven on that show.) But still, AWESOME.
♥ Michael. Let's just give him a bullet point of his own, since he is my favorite angel not named Aziraphale (or, you know, Lucifer or Duma). I like how they cleared up that he won't leave Dean an empty shell. Which means Lucifer should have the same ability for Sam, except that of course, Lucifer WANTS to destroy Sam (and humanity) in the end, whereas humanity is just collateral damage to Michael.
♥ Team Free Will! (if only, man. I really hope they do manage to pull this off in an interesting way - they're hammering so hard on how Sam and Dean will say yes that they have to say no, and it has to be in some smart, interesting way. Alternately, they have to say yes in some way that completely fucks up the divine plan, or, you know, actually completes the divine plan, depending on how you look at it. I hate that I am so curious about and yet so completely ready to cringe at whatever conception of god this show is going to trot out.)
♥ the reset button. I mean, they had to, or they really had changed the future, because John Winchester was not gonna let that shit go down if he could stop it, but I was so glad that they got to tell Mary that they were her sons.
♥ that Sam and Dean were TOTALLY OKAY with never being born. Oh my heart when Dean was like, "No, really, it's okay with us," because you know they both meant it. Though again, boys, "Mom, just have your tubes tied (or, if they couldn't do that in 1978, then yeah, go for the radical hysterectomy) and make Dad get a vasectomy. Nobody has to know!" It's radical, but it's still better than "You have to leave him!" (obviously, not exactly possible when she was pregnant, but there are ways to take care of that, as well, though I imagine it'd be even harder to do having met the kid as an adult.)

Dean and his nearly fully clothed strippers made me laugh. Stay classy, show.

So all in all, I really liked it, possibly because it had exactly the issues I thought it would have and I was braced for them.

Then I watched Burn Notice, and man, how much do I LOVE Michael Westen? He is the awesomest. And Sam! And Fi! And Madeline! ♥ You know, I feel like this show totally deserves a lot more talking about than I ever give it, but my attention span, it is tiny.


I wrote a ficlet for halfamoon today, but I have no title for it, so I think I'll post it in the morning. Stupid titles.


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